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" Childes practice is about to finish. " Reminded Mona, properly arranging her notebooks and pens before discarding them into her bag; not while eyeing Scaramouche and his reaction, who only seemed uninterested. " Okay. " He replied casually, shoving his phone into his bag as he waits for Mona to finish. Unsatisfied with the answer she had gotten from the other, she had rolled her eyes and was the first to walk; with him following close behind her, being awfully quite like usual. " Let's stop by his club and wait for him. " " He did mention something 'bout us waiting for him, so okay. "


With luck guiding them throughout their day, or something Mona had said similar to that; the duo had arrived with Childe getting out of the bathroom, obviously finished with practice as he had stared at the two in surprise, unaware that they were going to come and pick him up. Not before another blue haired man had appeared behind him. " Oh, if it isn't the moon and the star. " The man behind Childe stated, not in a teasing or disrespectful way, but in a way he had noticed the two, instead of just talking to Childe and ignoring them.

Mona had raised her eyebrow, whilst Scaramouche just nodded, taking note of the others presence. " Right, this is Ayato. Ayato meet Mona and Scaramouche. " He stated, introducing the two to Ayato, who had just smiled and waved at the two whilst he stood beside Childe. Between the two, their height was almost similar, yet Ayato was just one inch taller than Childe, and had more noticeable features than him. Like how Ayato had a beauty  mark underneath his lips, soft yet somewhat judgemental eyes and seemed as if he often had a sly smile placed on his lips. Whilst Childe had freckles littering his face and shoulders, a bit tanner skin than Ayato, messy ginger hair that never seemed to slick down unlike Ayatos.

" Mona and I were lab partners for bio, and I met Scaramouche through Mona " Childe continued, introducing the two even more as he made vague hand movements while he introduced the two. " Pleasure to meet the two of you " Ayato smiled coyly at the two " I'm off to pick Thoma up, goodbye to the three of you. " He added, before excusing himself and leaving. " Oh, Thomas his boyfriend. They're so gay it's disgusting. " He sighed, before noticing Mona glaring daggers at him. " I mean it in a supportive way. " He quickly added, clearing up the misunderstanding that had almost happened between the three of them.

" Great, let's go eat now- but let's pick up Sucrose first !! " Stated Mona, who once again was the first to walk. Unable to keep her girlfriend waiting for her, it's been a long day, and she was well aware of how the other would starve herself, keeping herself cooped up in the laboratory if Mona doesn't come to her rescue and offer to eat lunch with her. 

With the two walking behind her, listening to her ramble on and on about the stars and fate, Scaramouche would interrupt her, arguing with her that stars and fate were false and that she was delusional. Childe had just walked beside him, happily listening to the two of them argue on and on about said topic, whilst both his and Scaramouches shoulder would bump into each other every now and then. Although, this time, Scaramouche doesn't seem to mind it and would simply brush it off.


Mona, now with her girlfriend and chatting with her whilst the four of them ate by a nearby restaurant, to which Childe had offered to pay for all their meals; actually, that isn't really what had happened. Originally, Childe had only offered to pay for Scaramouches meal, as he had kept complaining about how everything seemed so expensive, then Mona being Mona, had peer pressured Childe into paying for all their meals. With that said, the group had bought and ordered multiple meals, making Childes poor, poor credit card suffer.

Scaramouche had stared at the two giggling girls, with Sucrose being a bit shy every now and then and laughing behind Monas back. It was heartwarming to see the two girls enjoy each others company, but sometimes, he had wished they didn't flirt and be all happy in front of him. 

" Stop putting away your olives, you're wasting food. " Childe scolded the other, whilst eating a mouth full of olive, with Scaramouche looking at him in pure disgust. " I hate olives. " " Oh, okay, well I love them, put them here on my plate. " He offered, shoving his plate a few inches to Scaramouches plate, offering him to put said olives into Childes plate. Happily putting his olives in the others plate, Mona had stared at the two, as if she was trying to figure out the right words to say and what not, not before Sucrose had whispered something into the girls ear, making her snap her fingers and gaining the other twos attention.

" The olive theory ! " She shouted, but not loud enough for others to hear, just people that were nearby and thankfully, there weren't a lot. " The olive theory " Scaramouche mentioned, watching Sucrose pull her phone out, seeming as if she was searching for something before hesitantly showing a video to the two. Explaining the olive theory from a youtube video, one Childe already knew about as he was nothing but a major 'loser' in highschool.

The olive theory is based of ' How I Met Your Mother, ' explaining how two supposed couple had gotten together due to olive theory that was based of off the guys bestfriend,  how the guy hates olives and how his girl loves olives, and its one of the main reason that makes them a great couple.

Scaramouche had only looked at the two dumbfounded, obviously not getting what the entire thing meant. " Okay, but we're not a couple. " He stated, tilting his head to the side slightly whilst the other two girls just rolled their eyes and nodded, before going on a long rant on the series How I Met Your Mother, and how much they had liked it. 

Scaramouche had just nodded and continued to give his olives to Childe was the four of them ate and conversed about whatever had gone into their mind, making a few jokes here and there and of course having a light laugh.

Safe to say, Scaramouche had enjoyed his day.



based of HIMYM

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