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An aged man gazes out of a large window that overlooks Seabrook, New Hampshire. Behind him, a teenage boy with jet black hair trembles in the doorway. Last time the boy refused him, he was beaten with the old man's slick black cane. The boy's older brother had warned him about the old man and the dangerous requests that came from him. And now that he learned his lesson, he knew. He knew how to follow orders.

"You called, sir?" the boy mumbles.

"I need your help. I need you to find someone. I need you to convince this someone and her family that it would be a good idea to move here." The old man twists the black cane in his long boney hands.

"And who is this someone, sir?"

"Her name is Eleanor McDowell Halewood. She is a young girl from Breezewood, North Carolina. She has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin. You won't be able to miss her. She'll also be vulnerable. Her father just died."

"Did you kill him?" The boy holds his breath.

"No, you idiot, my master did," he scoffs.

The old man had killed plenty before, but so has his master. His master was the one to kill his sister, and his parents. Now he was left with only his older brother. The boy's stomach churned with the ideas of what the master would do to this young girl.

"Find the girl. Get her here. Convince her mother if her mind is weaker." He barks the order at the boy.

"Yes, but what if I can't do it? My parents told me it wasn't allowed to change people's thoughts. I haven't done it before."

"You can do it for you are an angel. An angel of death, even. Don't have me make your brother do all the dirty work," he chuckles.

"Yes, sir," the sixteen year old started to leave the room. I could get my wings torn off for this, or I could fail and be killed with the old man's secret ways around ending an immortal's life. The boy didn't dwell on this for long because his thoughts drifted to Eleanor, the girl who the man's master wanted as an ally, but what if she doesn't want to? Then they would kill her, but who cares about a girl like her when he didn't even know her?

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