Chapter Eight

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I leave the school in a hurry only to find Levi leaning against my car. His dark brown eyes searching around the parking lot until they settle on me. It's too late now to run and hide so I keep walking until I reach my jeep. I stand in front of him not saying anything while he smiles at me with his goofy grin.

"Well, Princess? Have anything to say?"

"Stop leaning on my car. I just washed that," he laughs when I finish at my sentence, but I didn't attend it to be a joke.

"How 'bout I drive you home in this jeep you have here and I can help you with Studies of the World?" he suggests.

I don't take my eyes off of him while I speak, "Studies of the World is more like Studies of the Supernatural."

"Well, Princess? The offer still stands."

"Fine," I give up with trying to argue with him.

I get in the car and he sits in the driver's seat. He pulls out of the parking lot and heads onto the road. Going way faster than 30 mph.

"Where are we going?" I ask confused as he misses my street.

"You'll see," he smirks.

"You know this is called kidnapping?" I scuff.

"Not when you agreed to let me drive."


After forty-five minutes, Levi parks in a parking spot across from an amusement park. I sit there and gaze at it before I say, "No."

"No?" he asks with a smile.

"I don't do amusement parks. Take me home," I command.

"The amusement park isn't where we're going," I just stare at him waiting for him to tell me where we are really going, but he doesn't talk.

"Where then?" I finally ask.

"There's a farm about a mile behind us and I want to show you something," he motions backwards and I look behind at the forestry.

We get out of the car and he grabs my hand and starts walking, I, trailing behind him. I never really trusted Levi so if I had to guess he was taking me to somewhere remote where he could kill me, like Avery predicted. But a small part of me was still walking with him because I had hope in him. I look up at the cloudy sky. Each cloud a different shade and shape than the other, most of them were dark, waiting to burst into a drizzle. When I was little I thought of rain as Angels crying. During thunderstorms I was told it was the Angels bowling. Never in a million years would I think of myself as some kind of Angel and yet now I know I'm a Saraph.

I didn't know we had walked a mile until we exited the forest and I saw a barn about a couple of yards away.

"We're here," he pulls at my hand to follow him and I do until we reach the barn entrance.

"What are we doing here?" I ask curiously.

"This is where I spend most of my time since my sister died because home isn't home anymore," he sighs opening the large barn doors and we both walk in.

"You have a sister?" I ask remembering something, "Wait, do you have a brother too?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" he looks at me with a look I can't identify.

"I had a dream last night, and well, I think your brother has been haunting me," I give a nervous laugh at the end of my sentence, but Levi gives me a serious glance, "what?"

"Don't go near him, Eleanor. Never go near him. Never trust him. Don't even look at him. He's a bad guy. Promise me you'll stay away," he pleads.

"Yeah, okay. What's the matter with him?"

"He's a bad angel. He's always looking for trouble, but the higher-ups don't ever give him a second glance. One of these days he'll get stripped of his wings. My sister and I had a bet on when he would," he smiles at the memory.

"What was your sister's name?" I ask curiously, "and while we're on the topic what's your brother's name?"

"My sister was named Mariel. My brother, his name is Blake."

"What does he want?" my voice cracks in the middle of the sentence. I try not to think of what he wants.

"To kill you, but I won't let that happen. I won't let them use you," he promises me, stepping closer.

"Who's them?" I quote him using that instead of him.

He sighs, "The principle is in on it. He wants to mind trick you and the rest of the powerful supernatural in the school. But with you, he wants you most because you're a Saraph," he steps closer again and uses one finger to pick up my chin to look him straight in the eye.

"How will I know I'm safe?" I ask scared.

"When you're with me," and that's when he kisses me.

A/N: Since my week is getting back into it's regular routine I won't be able to write as often with school. I'll be bumpy with writing at least until June 15th.

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