Chapter Six

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I ring the doorbell at Isaiah's typical New England home. He opens the door with a smile and gestures me in, "Welcome to my home."

"Nice place you got here," I look around the front hall.

"Yeah, well, my mom's a lawyer," he mentions scratching the back of his head.

"Isn't your mom a vampire?" I ask confused.

"She still needs to make money," he laughs and I laugh too, "Anyways, my notebook is downstairs so we'll go down there."

I follow him down the stairs to his basement. It's a typical basement with the couches, tv, and foosball table. I sit down on a couch and take out my notebook. He sits next to me with his and let's me copy.

"I figured out what I am," I say as I copy the notes.

"How? I mean, what are you?"

"Levi told me I'm a Saraph Angel," I stop copying the notes and look up at him, "we aren't supposed to die, but somehow my father did."

"It is a possibility if the higher authorities give special permission," he shrugs.

"I just don't understand who would want my father died?" I sit there in shock, trying hard not to cry in front of Isaiah.

"A lot of people want us all dead, Hale, don't take it the wrong way-" he stops himself, noticing I'm crying, "hey, hey, don't cry, Hale, it's alright."

He puts an arm around me and kisses the top of my forehead, but I don't pull away because I just need the comfort at the moment. A little later he pulls himself away and moves our notebooks to the floor, "You know Saraph are very powerful Angels."

"Yeah?" I say not knowing anything about myself.

"Yeah, and surprisingly you're the only Saraph at our school, but there are other Angels," he says and I nod my head.

"Hale?" he asks.

"Yeah?" I say softly.

"Promise to keep this night a secret?"

"Of course, but why? All we're doing is notes-" the words drain out of my mouth as he presses his lips to mine. I'm taken back a bit, but I don't pull away instead I kiss him back. He pushes me back so my back is against the couch and he's on top of me. He presses his lips on my neck and gives me kisses moving up back to my lips. I'm surprised by his gesture, but part of me likes it. He's the first guy I've ever kissed so maybe that's why I'm not pulling back.

"Isaiah?" I say in between kisses.

"Hale?" he pulls back a little bit but not enough to show he's done.

"Why are you doing this when you have a banshee girlfriend at your disposal?"

"Because with Avery she makes me do bad things. My parents don't like her. But with you, you're changing the way I think, and I like it. I guess Angels make you do better things," I kiss him this time, and I feel him smile through it.

"Stay," he whispers and begs me.

"I can't stay all night. It's a school night," I say thinking of my mom."

He doesn't press me and instead kisses me again. This time it's more of a soft kiss. I think it's odd for me, an angel, to be kissing him, a vampire. That's when I look over his shoulder to see the boy with black holes as eyes standing in Isaiah's basement as I scream.

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