Chapter Twenty Two

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"Levi," I whisper, "you have to help me, please," I whisper into his arm.

"I will, princess," he pauses, "we can defeat him together."

I look over my shoulder, but Mr. Asmodeus isn't there. Neither is Blake or Avery. Isaiah lays unconscious in the corner, unaware of the events unfolded. Then, there is my mother's limp body that is splayed across the cement flooring. I give out a whimper, and then look away. I can't bear looking at her when her soul is nowhere in her body.

"We should go. They aren't here, and we need a plan," he informs me.

"Help me get Isaiah out of here?" I ask.

"Eh," Levi looks at me with a I don't like that guy look, "he can probably make it out himself."

"Levi," there is a warning to my voice.

"Alright, fine, but he's not coming to my place."

"I'm okay with that," I pick up Isaiah's left arm while Levi picks up his right, and we carry him out of the cell.

That's when I notice this place is familiar. The cement and the damp smell should've given it away. We're under the school, "Levi, I have a crazy idea that you're not going to like."

"Princess, I don't think you understand that anything classified as crazy in your standards is normal in mine."

"All of these supernatural know Mr. Asmodeus for his true self right?" I ask.

"Yes, but-"

I cut him off, "well then I was thinking if we let them out and they help us kill him then we can win, but I don't know how to kill him."

"Lucky thing I know someone who does," he smirks, "we need to find patient 13, Addison Day, werewolf."

"Werewolf?" I think back to the claw marks in the cement my first time down here.

"Yes, if we need to kill Mr. Asmodeus we need a werewolf to help us, and Addison is just the girl to do it."

"Did you know Addison before she was sent down here?" There's a bit of jealousy strained in my voice but I hope he doesn't notice.

"Yeah, I mean, she was my sister's best friend, so she was over a lot," he shrugs.

"Oh? Did you know her personally?"

"No," he says in a flat tone and I just nod.

"Alright, let's find Addison."

Once we found Addison's cell, Levi opened it. Inside the cement was scratched up probably from Addison trying to escape. I shiver at the thought of what she can do if she can put scratches in hard solid cement.

"Hey, Addy," Levi speaks up to the girl laying on cement, she looks up and burns a hole in me with her yellow eyes.

"Levi?" Then she looks over to me, "Who are you?"

"I'm Eleanor," I give a soft smile, "Levi's close, and I mean very close friend."

Levi looks back at me and just smirks. I can see it in his eyes that he's enjoying this.

"What do y'all want?" She has a slight Southern accent which kills me since all the time I lived in the South I never developed one.

"We need your help killing Mr. Asmodeus cause I know you know how to do it," Levi speaks slowly to her.

"So if I agree to help you what do I get?" she scoffs.

"You get out of this prison," Levi negotiates.

"That's fair, I guess. To kill him you need me again. I'll claw him and you do whatever Angels do to kill," she finally sits up and faces us properly.

"Can you catch a scent?" Levi helps her up.

"Of course I can, who do you think I am?" she gives a smile and runs out of the cell.

"I hope you weren't wrong about her," I face Levi before leaving the room.

"I'm always right, princess," his words are cold on my neck and he gives me a quick kiss before leaving the cement cell.

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