Chapter Nineteen

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I pull up to Isaiah's house to find Avery standing on his porch with her hands on her hips, she's obviously mad. I get out of the car and walk up to the porch.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"What are you doing here?" she turns around and looks me up and down.

"I'm here to talk to Isaiah. Now you," I cross my arms.

"I'm here to see my boyfriend," she gives me a smile.

"Last time I checked, you two broke up."

"Nobody breaks up with me. They just like to take a break, but sooner or later he will want me back," she rings the doorbell.

"How long have you been here?"

"Only thirty minutes," when she says this I laugh.

"You're pathetic! And boy crazy!" I continue to laugh.

"Oh shut up, Eleanor! At least I'm pretty," she rings the doorbell again.

"At least I don't wear five pounds of makeup," she tries to ring the doorbell again, but I grab her wrist before she does.

"Don't touch me, you bitch!" she screams at me.

"Do you not understand how annoying you are?" I return.

"Me? Annoying? Yeah, right." she scuffs.

"Part of me really wants to rip your throat out," I give a sarcastic smile.

"You don't have the guts," she teases.

"Oh? I don't?" I tackle her to the wall. My arm slams against her throat and she tries to grasp my arm to pull it away, but I just slam her into the wall more. She starts choking on words, but then she screams.

I step back from her and cover my ears. I gasp trying to stop the ringing in my ears. When she stops screaming I touch my ears to find blood coming out. The door flies open with Isaiah standing in the doorway.

"Avery! You bitch! Look what you did," he scrambles down to the floor to meet at my level. He turns my head to check my ears.

"She tried to choke me!" Avery shouts at him.

"You could kill her with your scream!" he shouts back, "What are you doing here anyway? We broke up!"

"We? We didn't break up. You broke up with me. I never wanted to break up. I came here figuring you wanted me back."

"Why would I ever want you back? Anyways I thought I told you never to come to my house." he runs his fingers through his white hair and stands up, "Just go, Avery."

With a stubborn stomp, Avery walks away from the porch and gets into her BMW. I still sit on the wooden porch my head pounding from the scream.

"Come on, Eleanor," Isaiah picks me up from the ground, "let's fix those ears of yours."


Sitting on his bed in his bedroom I tell him everything that happened since I left school after he had shown me Zoe. As I tell him everything that had happened he nods, I realize he's absorbing everything that I tell him and he is thinking hard about it.

"So Levi took your mom?" he finally asks.

"Well sort of. I mean Blake-"

He cuts me off, "None of this sort of, Eleanor. He either did or didn't. And don't be making excuses for this guy cause if he did take your mom, that makes him the enemy."

"There has to be a reason why he did it!" I break into sobs at the end of my sentence. Nothing has went my way since my father's death. It's like in his final breath he cursed me. My whole life is crumbling apart and I don't know what to do with the pieces.

"It's going to be alright, Eleanor. Lets find your mom-"

"No you don't get it! My mom said not to find her! She told me!" I cut him off.

"Fine. You can't stay here forever. They'll find you here too!"

"You're the last person I have left, don't you get it? I don't have anyone left in the entire world that can help me right now and you're trying to kick me out?" I stand up from his bed.

He comes closer to me, "No, Eleanor, you don't get it. I'm not your safe haven. Nothing about me is safe. I don't want to hurt you and that's what will happen if you stay."

"What do you mean?" He steps closer.

"I'm a vampire. Vampires will hurt anyone who isn't their kind on full moons. I don't want to hurt you, and tomorrow night is a full moon." He's an inch away from me now and I try hard to keep eye contact with him.

"You're not going to hurt me," I say softly.

"How do you know that for sure?"

"Because you love me," after my sentence he pulls me in and kisses me. A soft kiss that feels like it's been forever since the last.

"You're right," he pulls back, "I do love you, but I will still hurt you."

"Then help me-" my words are caught off when the world turns black.

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