Chapter VII

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Early Morning, July 5

Elle's POV

Why was that smell familiar? The scent filled her nostrils and gave Night a sense of peace. But that wasn't right. There was no peace. Only training, discipline, and constant striving to be better. And the light, why was it so bright? Her cell was dark, and the only lamp was a dim one outside in the hall. Where was she? Night slowly opened her eyes to see a blonde man with gentle but piercing blue eyes. Behind him, was a brooding and muscular man whose brown hair was shaggy and unkept. Both seemed weary. The second man disappeared and then came back holding two bowls. That was the smell. It was whatever was in the bowls. Finally, Night got the courage to speak. "Wo bin Ich?"

The blonde exchanged a confused look with the one holding the soup.

"Welche Sprachen sprichst du?" asked the brunette

"Französisch, Deutch and Russisch" Night responded

"Was ist mit Englisch?"

She hesitated. At HYDRA, English was frowned upon, and Night had shut English mostly out. The only time English was present was in her mind, but even that was minimal.

"Sehr klein"

He had a quick exchange with the blue-eyed one, presumably to catch him up on what she and him were discussing.

"English OK?" Night spoke and startled the both of them.

The blonde stood and leaned over her "Elle!"

She flinched at his sudden movement. "Who Elle? I Night. Midnight Soldier."

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