Chapter 4

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   As I leave the cafeteria, my brothers hot on my heels, we head 'home'. Upon arriving, I see my dad and kiss his cheek. "Hi daddy." I chirp happily. "What did you do this time?" Dad instantly asked crossing his arms. "She got in a fight with her old packs whore." Blake says walking in smirking. "I'm sorry but I was not gonna let her treat me the way she did. I had to kick her ass to show her whose boss." 

I smile sweetly while saying that. "Haha, that's my girl. I'll wait for the call from the school and you go get cleaned up." He laughed. "Okay daddy, love you." I skipped off. "Love you too kiddo." He replies. I skip off upstairs to my room and change into some overalls and a lacy white top. My room here was simple but cute. It had white walls, queen size bed with the cutest bed set. There were also some pictures hanging above the bed and a balcony off to the left. After changing and examining my room, I left the room and ran into my brother, Jake, on the stairs. 

"Hey sis what's up?" Jake said nearly plowing me over at the top of the stairs

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"Hey sis what's up?" Jake said nearly plowing me over at the top of the stairs. "Heading down to get some food. I'm starved, you?" I laugh pushing him lightly. "Same. Dad had me tell you to hurry up but, looks like you're already ready. Come on dinner's done." He tells me gesturing to the stairs. Not having to tell me twice we race each other down to the kitchen. Upon entering, I see Blake and Andy at the island stuffing their faces. Dad was trying to make his plate and save some for me. "I tried saving as much as I could for ya Ash. Come and get it before your brothers take the rest." Dad hands me my plate while glaring at my brothers who were fighting over the last burger. "Alright kids, I'm going to meet the Alpha to discuss training." Dad kisses my head and heads out.

"Okay boys, I don't know about you but I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my day." Putting my plate in the sink I head to the door putting my shoes on. The rest of the day went by quite fast. I walked the trails, went running, worked out, and watched movies the rest of the evening.

                                                                                 Next Day

I wake the next morning to my alarm clock blaring 'Night Changes' by One Direction. Turning it off, I roll out of bed and head to my closet to pick my clothes and shower. Today I will prove that I am not only incredibly smart, has killer taste  in fashion, but doesn't give a damn about what others say. For today, I picked a cute black top, ripped white skinny jeans, and a nude sweater to complete the look encase I get cold. For the shoes I chose my black combat boots. 

I had done my makeup as a simple black smokey eye

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I had done my makeup as a simple black smokey eye. Then, I put my hair in a messy bun with a white bandanna wrapped around my head. Of course I could never forget accessories, my cute silver necklaces to top off the look.  Once I'm done, I head downstairs for some breakfast. "Morning guys." I say taking a seat at the island. I grab some eggs, toast, and sausage links. "Good morning Ash! Don't worry we saved you some breakfast." Andy smiles brightly. "Oh jeez, thanks so much." I reply sarcastically. "We could have ate it all but we didn't!" Blake mumbles out with his mouth full of food. "Hurry up and get to school before you're late. And this time try to make it through the whole day will you?" Our dad says rushing us along. We finish our food, bid him farewell, grab our bags, and head out the door.

At school I get out of the car with my brothers and walk into the school. "Please try not to get in trouble today." Blake says nudging my shoulder. "With them? No promises." I smirk. He just smiles and heads to his locker. I walk to my locker, grab my chem book head to class. Guess who's gonna be late as usual.

"Ashley?" I hear my name and turn around. What I see almost makes my eyes pop out of my head. "Tanner?" I say shocked. Tanner is a friend i met when I left my old pack. He came to visit with his father and we instantly hit it off. We never dated but sometimes I wished we at least tried. "Yeah it's me! I haven't seen you in a hot second. How are you?" He asks catching up to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "I'm good! I wish you could've visited more. Hey, what class do you have?" I ask. "Same here! And chem." Tanner smiles at me. 

"Oh my gosh! Me too. Lets walk together." We get to class and basically talk the whole time. Good thing I have an A in this class. After class we go to my locker. "What do you have next?" I ask. "Gym, you?" He says as I close my locker door. "English. I guess I'll see you at lunch." "Looking forward to it." He smiles and leaves.


"Hey stranger." I hear in my ear. I smile knowing its Tanner. "Well hello Alpha Tanner." Did I mention he's the future of his pack alpha? I call him that just to tease him. Tanner just laughs and throws his arm over my shoulder. "So you look good today." He smirks looking at me. "Oh really how can you tell?" I smile up at him. "Well, first off all the guys can't keep their eyes off you." He says looking around. Sure enough there were eyes on me. 

I giggle. As we enter the cafeteria I hear a growl. Turning in the direction of the growl, I see Chase glaring at Tanners arm. To make things even better, I turn to Tanner and say the words I never thought I would admit out loud "Tanner I think I like you. I have since we first started hanging out, I was just scared to say anything." He smiles "I really like you too Ash." Then he does the most unexpected thing. He kisses me. And I kiss back. "MINE" I hear Chase yell. Then he runs and tackles Tanner to the ground. Tanner seems to be handling himself but I cant just let them do this. I scream "Stop." They're so invested what in each other they don't even hear me. I lose concentration and don't realize they had slammed into me. I smash my head against the floor...

then all goes black.

Hey guys! Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and smash that star button! Love you lots.



Edited 6/28/20

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