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Dear, anyone who may receive this update,

I want to apologize for my absence. I graduated college in May 2022 and started a new job.

I wanted to experience college to the fullest. It had its ups and downs, and some therapy was needed.. but I made it through.

Anyone who has read this far, I want you to know you are absolutely amazing. I started to write this book during a really hard time or my life. To know so many people read it and kept up with it just makes me heart so happy even to this day.

I was young when I wrote this story, thinking no one would ever read it. I do have to say that as time went on, the language and darker themes in this story were not my finest choice. I wrote this story as a freshman in college after I went through some of my own trauma with men. The way Cole's friends spoke about women was how I was spoken to or how I heard other men discuss women in college. Which, let me point out, is AWFUL. But I wanted to represent the toxic party culture of college.

This story became my outlet. Consent was important from the start, as it always should be. And recording her was NOT consent. I used it to represent my own pain with trusting someone that betrayed me. I felt like I could relate to Charlotte as the story went on.

This next chapter is probably going to shock some of you, and also hopefully empower.

Oh yeah.. with that being said... I NEVER FINISHED THE STORY.

I WILL be finishing this story in a few days. I have been debating if anyone would care to read the wrap up, but in my own head/heart, I want to tie up the loose end. It will be one chapter, but it'll finally be done.

I deleted a couple chapters. The whole drûg deal scene was not how I want the story to go. So please, if you plan to read the finishing chapter, please go re read the last chapter just so you know where the story left off. In the last chapter, Charlotte kicked Cole out when he found her.

Once again, THANK YOU to anyone who read the entire story. The final chapter will be out soon.

Lots of love,

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