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"And if you've never felt your soul being torn apart, then you've never loved anyone with all of your heart."


Ah, the sweet sound of Mo Bamba shaking the interior walls of the frat house as college students screamed along with Sheck Wes as loud as they possibly could. My shoes were already sticking to the floor as the beer spilled on it began to slowly dry.

It was barely past eleven o'clocK, and I could already point out who in the house was drunk off of their âss. A group of freshman girls caMe stumbling in front of us, giggling like school girls as they made their way into the kitchen.

I remember being a young freshman. There was this youthful innocence starting out college, but being thrown into the wolves is not the easiest task to overcome. College changed me for the better and for the worst, but I like to believe that the positives outweigh the negatives.

"Do those girls remind you of someone?" Cole asked, giving me a small nudge to the shoulder so I'd look up at him.

"Well, they obviously don't remind me of myself as a freshman."

"And why is that?"

"I didn't party much."

"Oh yeah, you were a nerd." I huffed and punched his arm lightly at his snarky comment. His smirk was even visible in the dimly lit room.

We walked around to the makeshift bar that the frat brothers had set up. The freshmen pledges were always forced to tend the bar, be sober rides for people at the party, and clean up the frat house the morning after a rager.

Cole knew the guy behind the bar, so he was able to get other drinks besides beer. I just stuck with the mixed drinks that they were making, which tasted like a mix of vodka and Hawaiian Punch. Whatever it was, it didn't last long. I drank most of that cup within a few minutes.

"Babe, slow down. You've got all night." Cole chuckled as he pushed my arm that held my cup down gently. I knew he was right, but I didn't really like being told what to do.

"One more, and then we can go dance." I insisted as I gave my cup back to the bar tender. I could see Cole's eyes narrow slightly in disapproval, but he didn't stop me as the guy gave me my drink back.

I drank about half of the cup before taking Cole's hand in mine and dragging him out onto the crowded dance floor. Never in a thousand years would have I ever even imagined throwing myself into a crowd of drunk college students for entertainment. Yet here I was, hand in hand with my love, about to dance with the crowd.

The song had changed to Better Now, and the colorful lights flickered along to the beat of the song. I turned around so I was facing Cole, watching as the blue, green, and red dots of light flashed across his sculpted features.

My hands lingered on his upper shoulders as his hands made their way around my waist. Even in the dark room I could see his beautiful eyes scanning over every inch of my body as I began to move my hips along with the tune.

"It's been a long time since we've danced like this." Cole said as he leaned down so that his face rested in the crook of my neck. I was thankfully wearing heels, so his stretch to reach me wasn't as far as it usually was.

"I know, it's been a long time since we've partied like this too." I pointed out.

"I've grown to not like these party scenes very much." Cole shrugged slightly as he pressed a soft kiss to the nape of my neck. "But I think every college student misses going out every once in a while."

"I second that." I whispered in his ear before moving my right hand up to his cheek, pulling him closer until our lips met. Every single time we kissed it felt like the first time all over again. The passion never died.

He pulled me towards him as his back fell against the wall behind him. Cole's hands crept down to my butt, giving it a quick squeeze as he snuck his tongue between my lips.

If we were in any other kind of setup, I would be completely against this. Looking around the room we were in though, almost every other couple was exactly in the same position that we were.

When he pulled away from my lips, he turned me around so that my back was pressed to his chest. I was only tipsy, but the flow of the music was perfect to dance to. My hips moved against him to the song, and I felt his hands travel their way up my thighs.

We stayed like this for a few songs before I decided I wanted another drink. I turned around and placed a quick kiss to his lips before speaking.

"Babe, I'm going to go get another drink."

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked, rubbing the sides of my hips gently.

"No, I can get it myself. Just stay here." I gave him a small smile before making my way through the crowd.

When I exited the main dance room, I popped out into a less crowded dining room. There, I spotted Dylan in the corner on his phone. I made my way over to him and tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly and drop his phone.

"Geez Charlotte, you spooked the living daylights out of me." Dylan chuckled as he picked up his phone. Luckily, his screen didn't crack.

"That sounds like such a mom thing to say."

"Well you know me." Dylan shrugged, causing me to laugh. "Where are you headed?"

"Back to the kitchen. I told Cole I'd be back after I got another drink."

Dylan had this look of disapproval in his eyes, but he didn't say anything and I didn't question him about it.

"Alright, if you need anything at all, you know to come find me." Dylan smiled as he ruffled my already messed up hair.

I nodded my thanks and headed to the kitchen. The refrigerator door was wide open and lined with beer. I didn't think another mixed drink would be a good idea, so I just grabbed one of the beers and closed the fridge.

"Hey Charlotte." A nasal sounding voice called from behind me, causing my blood to run cold as I turned around. It was none other than Becky. She was leaned over the island countertop with her head in her palms. She was wearing no more than a bralette and a mini skirt.

"Hey?" I responded to her, although it sounded more like a question. There was no way in hell she would ever speak to me, especially after finding out about her past affairs with Cole.

"I know we haven't had the best past." She began to say, sitting up so that we were closer to eye level. "But, I want to make that up to you."

"Oh." I looked down at the beer can in my hand, noticing I was nervously tapping the side of the aluminum with my fingertips. "How are you going to do that?"

"By telling you the truth."

My head shot up to look at her, searching for any lies behind her eyes. Although her snake-like lips were curved slightly up in a smile, I didn't hint any sarcasm in her tone.

"The truth about what?" I asked, scared to know what she meant.

She held her hand out for me to grab, and I hesitated for a few moments and just stared at her open palm. I was really about to do this.

"Just follow me, I'll show you."

WOW IT HAS BEEN A HOT MINUTE. I don't even know if anyone is still following this book or not.

I am now settled into college, and it has definitely been an experience.

If you're still following this book, thank you so much for your support. I love the comments I get on it, I read them all the time. Although I can't always reply to them, just know I love the feedback and support that you all give me!

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