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"I let you become my happiness, and that's where I went wrong."


Ian's apartment smelled of booze and cigarettes, a mixture of scents that I became far too familiar with. It was just Ian, Liam and I right now, for Kylie and Andy were supposed to show up later today.

I twisted a piece of my sleek, bleached hair around my skinny index finger. It's funny how my hair stayed so healthy considering it took a lot to keep it this color. All I could say was that my hairstylist must be a goddess.

The guys were being annoying again, mumbling on about some annoying bîtch Ian tried to bang the other night. Whoever she was rejected him, and now he's throwing a hissy fit over the whole situation. The man couldn't stand being rejected. Maybe it's because his ego was the opposite of his dîck. Big.

"I mean, she was all over me the entire night." Ian threw his head back with a groan, bringing his palm into contact with his crinkled forehead.

"Girls are like that." Liam shrugged as he took a swing of his drink. "One second, they'll want you. The next, they'll push you away."

That made my head perk up.

"Um, I think you guys are missing out on some... minor details." I began to say, causing the two of them to cut their eyes at me. "Because Cole pushes me away every single fûcking time for no reason at all, but I know he wants me."

They started laughing, and I knew they weren't laughing with me. I scowled at the two of them as Liam nearly fell out of his chair.

"Cole doesn't want you." Ian snorted with laughter as he began to wipe tears from the corners of his blue eyes. "You two had a one night stand and you just can't seem to get over the fact that that's all you were to him."

"It was more than a one night stand." I hissed through my teeth as I viciously threw my empty beer can at Ian. He swatted it away with ease, snickering as he did so.

"Yeah, to you."

Maybe Ian's right, but that doesn't matter. That night, Cole was so close to me. It seemed like all of his focus was on me.

It was probably because that was the best sex that I've ever had, but I remember that day as if it was yesterday.


"Yeah?" He mumbled into my chest, the lingering smell of alcohol coming from his breath.

"Will this be our last time?"

He shifted himself off of my body clumsily, looking down at me with hazed eyes. "What're you talking about?"

"I'm asking if you're just going to fûck me and leave, like you always do to girls." I said with a small pout.

Cole never spoke a word when I asked him that question. He just gave me a small shake of his head before he collapsed back down on my almost naked chest.

My arms snaked around him as I let my long fingernails run through his messy hair. Everything was how I wanted it to be.

I groaned out loud as I shot up out of the chair I was on. My heels made loud clicking noises as I angrily stomped back into Ian's kitchen. I swung open the refrigerator door, grabbed another drink, and slammed it shut once again.

"I hate that girl." I mumbled under my breath as I cracked open the little pop lid on my beer.

"It's not like he's still with her." Liam rolled his eyes, obviously aggregated at my comment.

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