The "True" Ending

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10 years later

The Botanical Gardens was such a beautiful wedding spot. Today was perfect. Greenery and flowers all around, the sun was shining, and there was hardly any breeze to mess up anyone's hair.

Charlotte was inside, staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes popped with the makeup she was wearing, and her long, brown hair was worn in a half up style. Her hair was in loose curls with a beautiful pearl clip in the back to hold her veil.

Ten years later, and Charlotte was still as beautiful as ever. Her hair had grown back to about her mid back, and was her natural chestnut brown color once again. She had some more freckles on her cheeks and nose from spending more time in the sun. She had regained her weight back after she had taken a turn for the worst years ago. She was finally healthy once again, and she felt blessed to be her normal self again.

Her dress was stunning. The white satin top clung to her chest in a heart shaped line, and the sleeves were designed to have these beautiful flower designs run down the length of her arms. The bottom of the dress was a mermaid fit, with the bottom part flaring out. The same white floral design wrapped around the waist of the dress, and continued to about mid thigh.

Kristie came stumbling in, carrying a pair of white heels in her arms.

"Charlotte!" She said breathlessly, rushing over to where she was standing. Kristie held the heels out to her. "I never thought I'd see the day that THE Charlotte would be wearing heels.."

"Trust me, I didn't dee this coming either." Charlotte laughed as she took the shoes from her best friend. Kristie hadn't changed much. Her body was a work of art with her fully finished tattoo sleeves. Her hair was now cut to her shoulders, and she dyed it black recently to match Andy.

Kristie and Andy were still together, after all those years ago. They had gotten married shortly after they both graduated, and she looked stunning in her black wedding dress.

Cierra came walking into the room. Leaning against the door frame, she carried her beautiful, little girl, Chaya. Cierra started dating someone right after college, a very smart cybersecurity man named Sean. Sean and Cierra got married after three years of dating, and had little Chaya two years ago. She was the most well behaved girl, and she gave Kristie extreme baby fever.

"It's time Charlotte." She beamed. "You look amazing sweetie. Where's Jaclyn?"

As if she sensed the girls were talking about her, Jaclyn, Charlotte's younger sister, came running into the room.

"I'm sorry! Some of the guests were confused on where to sit." Jaclyn huffed as she walked over to Charlotte. "The audacity of some people, your fiancés family is a hassle!" She laughed.

"I know they are, but they are about to be my in-laws, so don't complain to much," Charlotte laughed lightly.

"Now come on sis," Jaclyn cheered, grinning ear to ear. She wrapped her arm around her sister's. "Time to walk you down the aisle"


Soft music was playing as the crowd chatted amongst themselves. As the time came around for Charlotte to walk out, everyone rushed over to their assigned seats.

The walkway parting the seats was paved with a beautiful white stone. At the end of this path was an archway covered in greenery. The arch was wrapped with leaves, white roses, and beautiful string lights that glistened like little dragon flies.

The music changed as the groom took his place under the archway. His dark hair was slicked back, and his beard was trimmed.  His clean, black suit clenched to his tight muscles in all of the right places. His bright eyes were full of life, waiting for his beautiful bride to walk down the aisle. He could hardly contain his anxiety.

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