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"There were a thousand memories that I had taken for granted~ mostly because I had assumed there would be a thousand more."


August came around, and school had started once again. Cole was a senior, and I couldn't be any prouder of him. He really thrived to make a change in his attitude about school last year. This past summer, he took a couple of summer classes to get himself back on track for his degree.

I was an upcoming junior this year, so I was no longer an underclassman. Sure, I was the age of your typical sophomore, but that didn't stop me from keeping up with my older peers. If anything, it made me push harder to achieve my goals and prove to everyone that I can do as much as they can.

We were only a couple of weeks back to school and of course Andy, Kristie, and Cole all wanted to go out and party. They didn't like it when I asked them if I could just stay in the apartment and watch Netflix tonight.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the four of us are now rent splitting an apartment by campus. Most upperclassmen don't stay on campus after their sophomore year, and none of us wanted to end up with random roommates.

Well, technically they were split like a typical Jack and Jill style suite back in university housing. So I was supposed to be in a room with Kristie and Andy was supposed to share a room with Cole. That didn't exactly happen though.

"Charlotte." Cole banged on our side of the bathroom door. I was currently putting on a nude colored lipstick as I listened to his continuous knocking.

"I will break down this fûcking door if you don't come out." Kristie began banging on the other side of the bathroom door opposite from the one Cole was waiting outside of. With these Jack and Jill rooms, four people had to share one bathroom.

Note to future self, never have a Jack and Jill suite with two boys. Boys are gross.

I finished my lipstick and unlocked Kristie's door first, then made my way over to the door Cole was at and unlocked that one too. Almost simultaneously did both of the doors fling open to reveal all of their faces.

"All of us have been ready for the past hour." Kristie huffed as she grabbed her tube of red lipstick and shoved it into her purse. "We'll meet you two outside in Cole's car."

"You don't even have my keys." Cole chuckled as he reached into his back pocket. A look of panic flashed across his features as he searched his other pockets for his missing keys.

I heard the sound of keys clanking together slightly as Kristie whipped them out of her bra, a sly smirk on her lips.

"See you in your car." She blew him a kiss with her middle finger up as her and Andy walked out of their room.

Cole shook his head with a small smile on his lips. His eyes fell back on me as I walked by him to grab my heels. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as I was pulled back his warm body.

"Don't wear heels too tall, or else you may not be able to dance." His breath was hot against my neck as he trailed soft kisses down my skin. The slightly touch of his lips was making me weak to my knees.

"Don't worry, I've had plenty of practice." I gave him an innocent smile as I slipped my shoes on. The look on his face was one mixed with confusion and concern.

"Wait, what–" I didn't even let him finish his sentence before I walked over to the door, leaving him agitated. "Hey, I'm not done with this." Cole huffed as he followed me out the door.

"Cole." I said as I turned around, stopping in front of him. He nearly ran me over since he had been fast walking to catch up to me. "You know I'm teasing you."

"I know, babygirl. As long as you aren't dancing around in clothes like you're wearing right now for anyone else, then we won't have any problems." A small smirk slipped on his face as he let his hands slip down to my hips, giving them a quick squeeze.

I've changed a little since I've met Cole. Kristie says that he helped me "break out of my shell." In a way, I suppose he did. I dressed a little different and I was definitely more outspoken. It gave me an unknown confidence about myself, something I never knew was there.

Currently, I was wearing a pair or ripped skinny jeans with a tight, black crop top. Even if the outfit was as simple as this, he still made me feel as if I looked like I was worth a million dollars.

"Come on, Romeo." I chuckled as I grabbed his hand from my waist and pulled him along through the complex. "Kristie and Andy are waiting."

"Romeo.." Cole looked at me through squinted eyes as we continued to walk outside. "Who's Romeo? Are you cheating on me?" I turned around and lightly punched his shoulder at his comment.

"Shut up." The smile on my lips grew wider by the minute as we finally made it to his car.

"Finally." Kristie groaned through her rolled down window in Cole's car. "Hurry up, or else all the drinks will be gone."

"Yeah, I doubt that." Cole rolled his eyes as he got into the driver's side seat. I pulled open the passenger door and sat down. Within minutes we were pulling out of the apartment complex's parking lot and were driving down the city streets.

Kristie and I sang our hearts out to some old classics as the guys chatted about Andy's screwed up car. In nearly thirty minutes we were arriving to a wild party.

Lights were flashing different colors through the windows and the music was so loud that it made your entire body feel the vibrations. We saw drunk college students doing dumb shît, like attempting to climb the trees or dry humping the mailbox.

Just by the looks of this house, I knew the party inside would be insane. Sure, I had been to parties before, but that didn't matter. Anytime I went to one I was still surprised at how childish and immature my fellow classmates could be under the influence.

"Are you just going to sit there and watch, or are you going to come inside and have some fun?" Cole's voice made me jump out of my daze as I whipped my head around to see him. He already had my car door open with his hand reached out for me to take.

I took a deep breath and I clicked the button on my safety belt so it would retract back to its original position. My hand was ice cold against his warm palm as he helped me out of the car.

"I'm ready to have some fun." I gave him a small smirk as I began to lead him into the house. He followed close behind me, practically stepping on my heels as we walked through the door.

If I had known what was going to happen tonight, then I definitely would have rather stayed home and watched Netflix.

HELLO I DID NOT DIE! I leave for college in two weeks now and I've been trying to enjoy my summer at home before I leave. Sorry for the abrupt absence.

Also yes I totally left last chapter on a cliffhanger after her birthday but we all know what happened so I figured eh let's get to the juicy stuff.


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