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~ Neteyam's POV ~
Me and Aonung have been more open about each other and our feelings, if one of us feels some time away about a situation or something, we'll talk to each other about it and resolve it together. I'm hanging out with my brother Lo'ak today, doing some bro on bro bonding time with him. Lo'ak wanted to swim around in the water to practice our breathing some more. He also introduced me to a creature that you can attach your braid to and put on your back, it helps you breath through the water without trying. "That is so cool bro" I said patting my brother on the back. "I know right!" We both smiled brightly at each other. "So what's up with you and Aonung?" "I knew you were going to ask that-" I laughed and so did Lo'ak. "I don't know, I think maybe something's going on but I'm not for sure if we're together or not" "so what's next? Hickeys on the thighs, abdomen, collarbone?" Lo'ak said teasing. I just laughed at him. "What about you and Tsireya?" "Woah we aren't doing any of that stuff you guys are doing" Lo'ak laughed. "I am Tsireya's best friend she tells me everything Lo'ak, and when I say everything.. I mean everything" I said laughing hysterically. "She told me about the-" shut up" Lo'ak was now worried about my knowledge of him and Tsireya. "Uh huh" I said humming softly. Lo'ak shoved me annoyed at me. "Keep your mouth shut dude" Lo'ak said his face nervous. "Chill little bro I will tell no one" I said laughing and shoving him playfully. Me and Lo'ak walked out of the water, I shook my head my braids swinging with water falling out of them a bit. I sat in the sand and Lo'ak placed his hand on my shoulder sitting next to me. Lo'ak rubbed my shoulder, "so I'm gonna ask again, what's up with you Aonung?" Lo'ak said smiling. "Are you just asking for details?" "I want to know about you guys" "oh well, Aonung says the hickeys show that I belong to him" "woah?" "I know-" you definitely make him horny" "well I know he definitely makes me feel that way" I laughed slightly smiling. "Gross dude! Have you guys told anyone?" "No I don't think Aonung wants to" "he's probably just scared and not ready to come out to a lot of people all at once you guys should at least start with your parents-" ah yes right" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Well I told Tsireya that I would hang out with her-" yea it's fine go ahead I will just go find Aonung-" "Neteyam no, mom and dad said to come straight home after hanging out. Don't take advantage of this ok?" Lo'ak said not wanting me to get in trouble. "Well can you at least tell Aonung to visit me?" I said shoving Lo'ak lightly with my elbow. "Sure big bro" he said smiling. I hugged him saying thanks and he left. I went back home plopping down on my bed tired.
~ Lo'ak's POV ~
I headed to Aonung's and Reya's house knocking and Tsireya answered. "Hey!" I said hugging her and she hugged back. "Neteyam wants Aonung to visit him as he is still grounded" "of course he does" Tsireya said giggling, "I will go and get him" Tsireya left to go get Aonung and came back with him in 3 minutes because apparently he was doing something. We took Aonung to the house and me and Tsireya went to hang out with each other.
~ Neteyam's POV ~
I heard a knock at my door and sat up to see Aonung. I smiled waving my hand at him to come sit down beside me. Aonung sat down beside me hugging me and smiling. "You wanted to see me forest boy?" Aonung said smirking at me. "Yes.. I missed you" Aonung kissed me and I kissed back. Aonung climbed on top of me looking me in my eyes, I smiled laughing nervously. "Y'know forest boy I am smitten by you" "you are?" I questioned my eyes lighting up and getting bigger. "Of course I am" Aonung caressed my cheek with his hand slightly swiping his thumb over my lips. "Gosh you are gorgeous.." Aonung brought his body closer to me, grabbing my hips pulling me closer and I gasped at his actions. Aonung layed his body on mine his head behind my neck facing the bed. He placed his hands on either side of me sinking them under the pillows of the bed, I suspended my legs from the air to his back wrapping them around his back. I sighed out in relaxation and put my arms around Aonung. "Aonung?" "Yea?" "Are you afraid to tell our parents?" "Yea. Are you not?" "I am very anxious, but we could always do it together, whenever your ready?" "I'd like that forest boy" Aonung said slightly chuckling. I closed my eyes to fall asleep and I could already hear Aonung sleeping.

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