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Despite what I told Jordan, I made my way through school by sheer force of willpower doing everything I could to forget the gorgeous guy who had been outside my school. Even though I had said that I wasn't interested, I still blushed a bit as I thought of our encounter in the morning, and I find myself blushing that he actually put effort into finding me. It is both flattering and worrisome.

 I must have been distracted because, as I made it out of French class, who should I see but Audrey who was just coming out of History. I tried to duck my head to avoid her but it was too late - she had already seen me.

"Candy wait please" , she ran up to me and took my hand.

"What  do you want" , I spat out at her, my look purely venom.

She recoiled instantly as if I had bitten her when she spoke, her voice was low and ashamed. "I'm sorry for what happened Friday night. I was drunk and high and to be honest, I didn't know what I was doing."

Audrey then went on to tell me how when she had gotten her senses back, she was naked, in a bed with three guys, and she felt sore. At first she couldn't remember what had happened, but slowly it came back and she felt disgusted and sick with herself.

"You don't know how I felt, remembering it all what those guys did to me...", she broke off, and I could hear the tears in her voice. "Then I remembered what I said to you and I felt so ashamed and I cried because... because I thought I had lost my best friend." The tears started then, rolling down both our cheeks. I felt so sorry for her and what she had gone through. I didn't hold Friday night against her and I told her so. Finally, she stopped crying and I hugged her.

"I want us to forget about everything that happened on Friday night.", she said. "Nothing  should get in the way of our friendship."

It took a while, but I really believed that it was an accident, so I agreed with her and we made our way to the next class, arriving just seconds before the teacher.

The rest of the day passed in a blur and before I knew it the bell rang to sign the end of the school day. Audrey and I were back to normal, and as we arrived in the parking lot, she started the engine of the car and I prepared to walk off home.

"Hey Candy do you want a ride home", she asked. She always asked me and I always declined but, before I could respond, a voice came from behind me.

"I am afraid that Miss Greene and I have an appointment."

I turned around to see a car behind us and sitting in it is the guy- Xavier Reyes.

"What appointment", I glare at him.

"The  appointment I made to see you when you were less busy', he says with the ghost of a smile on his face.

I am about to tell him that there is no way that I will ever go with him, but the determined look on his face lets me know that he will keep pestering me until I agree to see him. I sigh dejectedly and turn around to face Audrey who is waiting patiently for me while sneaking glances at Xavier.

"I have an appointment with Mr Reyes", I tell her. "I'll call you when I get home.'

Audrey gives me an 'are you sure about this look' and I give her an 'I'll be fine look'

She gives Xavier one more glance before driving out the parking lot.

I wait until she is gone before turning to face him.

"Mr Reyes, you have a lot of explaining to do about why you will not just leave me alone."

He looks taken aback for a moment but quickly recovers. "Of course Miss Greene", he says. "Enter  the car and we'll discuss."

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