Nine: An Elvis Halloween

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating as much. I am still in the process of moving out of state and I also have been without internet for a week now. I will try and update more if I can soon!

"COME ON, you said you'd help me choose a costume!" Callie complained. Elvis stood inside of the store Party City, watching as Callie studied each pack of costumes.

"I dunno, I'm not really into Halloween." He said to her.

"Well, I'm not either, but my work is throwing a Halloween party, and I was talked into going." She said. "Speaking of, I'm also allowed to bring someone. . . I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

Elvis rose a brow. "You want me to go with you to a Halloween party?"

Callie blinked. "Isn't that what I asked?"

The man laughed quietly as he shook his head. "I just mean. . . Out of all of the people you could ask."

"You. You're all people." She said. "Elvis, you're the only person I talk to. Come on, it could be fun! We can dress up and coordinate, and—"

"I dunno, Callie."

The woman grabbed his arms and squeezed them. "Go with me, and I will let you pick my costume."

His brows rose. "Oh yeah?"

Callie crossed her arms. "Maybe."

Elvis smirked. "All right, I'll go with you. As long as I pick out the costume."

She watched nervously as the man began looking over each costume on the rack. It was only a few seconds later when he pulled back the sexy police officer costume, whistling quietly.

"I think I've been in trouble with the law lately." Elvis teased, holding it up to her. "This one."

"That's very. . . Small." She swallowed.
"There's nothing wrong with small. Did your mama ever teach you size don't mean nothin'?"

Her mind immediately went to the article she had read about Elvis and a Coke bottle and she almost shrieked. Elvis had nothing to worry about.

Callie groaned. "Elvis, really? I mean, this is a little. . . Out there."

His lips twitched as the man smirked. "Out there is good. You're not some swinger or somethin'. Come on, you'll look good. With authority and all."

She groaned as she took the costume. "You owe me."

That evening, Elvis stood in the living-room, dressed in his officer costume while he waited for Callie to be ready. He stood before the mirror, grimacing as he adjusted the belt around his waist.

"How the hell do they wear these things?" He mumbled, trying to pull it tighter. "Hey, Callie, are you ready yet?"

"I can't believe you're making me do this." She shouted from her bedroom. When she entered the living-room, Elvis turned his head and stopped.

The costume was short, and the collar was low. With the style bra she was wearing beneath the costume, her breasts were ready to pop. His eyes lingered over her body, for a little too long. Callie hugged herself as she reddened in the face.

"I don't know what I did, but I'll go in willingly." Elvis said to her.
"God, you need to get laid." She said quietly, observing his belt. "Come here."

Elvis rose a brow. "I need to get laid?"

She didn't respond as she grabbed ahold of the belt and began pulling it tight. "You're too skinny. You need to gain a few pounds."

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