Extra 6 - The Valentines

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(I'm glad I managed to get these tacos before the restaurant closed. I know Meow Skulls'll love these. I'm sure these will make a great Valentines gift for her! I've even put them in this perfectly sized, heart-shaped box to put them in. Sure, it's not the most romantic thing in the world, but what else was I supposed to get her? I couldn't think of any kinds of candies to give her, mostly because they'll just make her sick. I'm sure these'll work, though. Plus, they're her favorite kind.)

As Valentine's Day approaches the next day, Y/N was determined to find their lover, Meow Skulls, the perfect Valentines gift for her. There weren't many options to choose from, though, sue to her strict limitations of some sweets. However, they were able to get something just as good as candy, her favorite tacos.

Once Y/N returns home, excited to see her face once she sees their gift, they realize that she is nowhere downstairs. Confused, they set the box down on the counter and go look for Meow Skulls upstairs. They eventually find her in the bedroom, curled up in a blanket on her side. With Y/N's confusion suddenly being turned into concern, they confront Meow Skulls to make sure she's alright, asking,

"Meow Skulls? Is something the matter?"

"Heya, Y/N... Nah, it's fine. I'm just havin' another one of my, uh, y'know..." Replies Meow Skulls, letting Y/N catch on to what she's talking about.

"...Oh. They're back again, huh?" Asks Y/N, just realizing what she's talking about.

"Yup. Bummer, I know. Sorry you gotta see me like this..." Apologies Meow Skulls.

"It's nothing to apologize about, Meow Skulls. It's not like you can control them anyways." Says Y/N while Meow Skulls looks away.

"...Would you feel better if I was with you right now?" Asks Y/N, attempting to help her feel better.

"I mean, uh... you don't have to if you don't want to, pal. I just..." Replies Meow Skulls before Y/N starts to get on the bed with her, grabbing ahold of her from the back and pulling her in a comfortable position.

"Are you good like this? Are you comfortable enough?" Asks Y/N.

"Heh, a lot comfortable. Thanks." Replies Meow Skulls, thankful.

Y/N nods, and they continue to cuddle for the next few minutes in silence, until it is disrupted by Meow Skulls, saying,

"Y'know... now that I think about it, I should be thanking you for a lot of things."

"Hm? Like for what?" Asks Y/N.

"Well, ya know... for dealing with me, I guess." Replies Meow Skulls, shifting positions before starting to lay her head on Y/N's lap.

"Like, with how I act, what I do... whenever I'm down like this. You're just, y'know, there for me. Ready to deal with whatever shit I'm draggin' ourselves into." Continues Meow Skulls.

"I guess what I'm tryna say is... I just want you to know I'm thankful for you. Like, literally everyday. Heck, who knows where I'd be without you?" Continues Meow Skulls, forcing out a small giggle.

"Hey, hey, c'mon. There's no need to think like that, Meow Skulls. You should already know that I'm willing to be with you, every single day. I wouldn't want it any other way." Says Y/N while Meow Skulls turns her head to see their face.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but... well..." Says Meow Skulls, struggling to come up with something to say.

"...Look. You're already worried enough with your future. You shouldn't have to make up room for anything else." Says Y/N.

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