Extra 5: The Christmas Party

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(It's that time of year again. The time to be filled with joy and spend time with loved ones. Which, in this case, I'm gonna be spending the holiday with Meow Skulls and her family, specifically Meowscles and Kit. Meowscles decided that they were gonna be doing a little Christmas party at his place. It's not going to be too much, but there's gonna be some other people coming there too, so that's gonna be cool. Oh, and he said that I could invite Jones and Aims if I wanted, so there's that too. You know, now that I think about it, I should probably start heading there right now. I don't wanna keep Meow Skulls and the rest waiting. I did agree to help decorate the place after all, and I do wanna give her my gift.)

As soon as Y/N arrived to Meowscles new home and knocked on the door, they are quickly greeted by a festive-looking Meow Skulls, suddenly gaining a happy look on her face once she saw them.

"Hey, ya made it, Y/N! C'mon in, let's get ya settled in." Says Meow Skulls before walking to the side to let Y/N in.

"Yeah, thanks! Can't wait to see the place so far." Says Y/N as they started to walk in and enter the hallway.

"Thanks for agreein' to help out with decorating the place. No one's arrived yet, so we've still got time." Says Meow Skulls.

"That's good. I'm more than happy to lend a hand. It's the least I could do." Says Y/N.

"Say, what's with that gift you're holdin', by the way? Who's it for?" Asks Meow Skulls, suddenly eyeing the gift Y/N is holding.

"Oh, you know, it's just for a certain special someone. About your height, has big, beady eyes, and a chill attitude." Responds Y/N.

"Gee, I wonder who that could be~" Says Meow Skulls with a sarcastic and playful tone.

As the two made their way through the hallway, they soon make it to the living room, where they can see Meowscles hanging up lights across the room and Kit decorating the Christmas tree, until they realize that Meow Skulls was here along with Y/N.

"Oh! You're here, Y/N. Sorry we didn't notice ya, I guess we were too busy preparing for the party. Which, thank you for agreeing to help, by the way." Says Meowscles after suddenly noticing Y/N.

"Oh no, you're alright. So, what would you like me to do first?" Asks Y/N.

"Hmm... ah! Do you think you could take those lights and hang them around the hallway first? I'll let you know what you need to do next once you finish." Replies Meowscles while pointing out to some strings of lights laying on the sofa.

"Got it." Says Y/N before proceeding to pick up the strings of lights and head to the hallway.

As time passed, all of them were eventually able to fully get the house decorated. All of the guests soon arrived after, and they all spent the rest of the day celebrating and having fun. From loopers singing along to Christmas songs to participating in festive party games, it didn't seem it could get any better than this. y/N seemed to have one problem, however. They didn't know where Meow Skulls went. They must've spent so much time talking to all the guests that they lost track of her. Soon after realizing, they made their way to go find her. They checked the hall, the dining area, even the second floor, but there was still no sign of her. Then they realized somewhere they haven't checked. The balcony. Y/N made their way to the balcony of the house, where they finally managed to find Meow Skulls, relaxing over the railings while staring off at the snowy land.

"Finally found you." Says Y/N, approaching Meow Skulls to the side.

"Heya, Y/N. Sorry, didn't know you were lookin' for me." Says Meow Skulls.

"Nah, you're good. What're you doing out here, anyway?" Asks Y/N.

"Just chillin'. Thought I'd catch a break from all of the partying." Replies Meow Skulls.

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