Extra 1: The Bowling Date

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(It's been a few days ever since we managed to reforge the Island. It seemed that everyone thought that all hope was lost. Most were either accepting their fate or still fighting on against the Herald and the chrome. But my friends and I... we never lost our faith in the Paradigm, and it's good thing we didn't. She's the reason reality is still thriving right now. I'm not sure where she is right now... or if she is even alive. But, even with her now gone, she made it so that we could live on, live out our lives the way we want to. Either if it's still trying to escape back home or staying on the Island for the rest of their lives, it didn't really matter, as long as we were still kicking. I mean, I know how I'm gonna be living my life for right now, and that's spending it with Meow Skulls. In fact, we thought it'd be a good idea to go out on a date at the bowling alley in Faulty Splits. I feel like it's gonna feel nice to spend time with each other in that place, and I know for a fact that we're going to try to make it a blast in any way possible.)

After the reforging of the Island, Y/N and their friends have settled down and made themselves comfortable on their new home, along with their new lover, Meow Skulls. Today, they will be going on a date at the bowling alley in Faulty Splits, hoping to have a good time and spend some quality time together.

As the two entered the building, they gazed around the area inside, seeing the many bowling balls going down the lanes and people having fun.

"Wow, this place is packed! Looks even cooler on the inside." Says Meow Skulls, gazing around the building.

"Yeah, no kidding. It's pretty noisy in here too." Says Y/N before noticing the main counter.

"I guess we go there to get set up." Continues Y/N, pointing at the main counter.

"Let's hurry up, then. I've gotta feelin' that this is gonna be fun." Says Meow Skulls before her and Y/N begin walking.

They walk up to the counter, grabbing the attention of the attendant working.

"Hiya, there! Can I help you two?" Asks the attendant.

"Yeah, we'd like to get set up please." Replies Y/N.

"All right! I'll just need you guys' shoe sizes and I can get you a lane." Says the attendant.

They pause, sharing a look at each other before looking down at Meow Skulls' feet.

"You, uh... you got anything my size?" Asks Meow Skulls, before raising her right foot so that the attendant could see.

"Woah!-" Replies the attendant, surprised at the size of her foot and pausing before saying anything else.

"...I'll see what I can find." Continues the attendant before searching for a pair of bowling shoes her size.

After getting their bowling shoes and their lane, along with deciding who goes first, they finally get set up to start their first game.

"Can't wait to see your face once I get a strike my first turn. Hope you're watching." Says Meow Skulls, getting to deliver her bowling ball.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm watching. Better not jinx it." Says Y/N.

Meow Skulls then throws her bowling ball down the lane, watching as it makes its way on the gutter, resulting in no points.

"How'd that strike work out for ya?" Asks Y/N jokingly.

"Shaddup." Replies Meow Skulls, waiting for her ball to return while being ticked off by her missing her first turn.

She tries again, focusing better this time. Her next deliver results in her striking down 8 pins.

"Whaddya think of that?" Asks Meow Skulls, feeling proud about her second deliver.

"That was pretty good, but let's see if I can do better." Responds Y/N, feeling confident about their turn.

They then take their ball and walk up to the lane. They make their first deliver, resulting in striking down 9 pins.

"Heh, not too bad, huh? Maybe I'll be able to get a spare." Says Y/N while giving a cocky look at Meow Skulls.

"Yeah, yeah, just get your turn over with, will ya?" Says Meow Skulls, feeling annoyed.

As Y/N waits for their ball before heading to the lane again, Meow Skulls comes up with a little scheme to tip the scales.

Y/N stares down the lane, getting ready to deliver again. But just before they're about to, they suddenly get surprised with a whisper suddenly entering their ear.

"Bet you'll do good, babe~" Whispers Meow Skulls.

This both flustered and surprised them, resulting with them instantly delivering their ball on the gutter, resulting in no points.

"Huh. Guess I was wrong. Oh well~" Says Meow Skulls with a smug look on her face.

"O-Oh, come on, did you really need to do that?!" Says Y/N, still somewhat flustered with what Meow Skulls just whispered to them.

"Hey, you're the one who threw the ball." Says Meow Skulls.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play, huh? How about we raise the stakes, then?" Asks Y/N, now starting to feel pumped up.

"Heh, and whaddya mean by that?" Asks Meow Skulls, starting to get intrigued.

"Let's make this a challenge. At the end of the game, whoever has the most points has to..." Says Y/N, pausing to think of something to say.

"...has to pay for our order at that chili dog place!" Continues Y/N, finally coming up with something.

"Oh, you are so on." Says Meow Skulls, already getting excited over the challenge.

With many delivers and misses the two made, it finally resulted in Meow Skulls winning the game by just 12 points ahead of Y/N. As the two turn in their bowling shoes and make their way out, they start walking down the street while Meow Skulls brags about her win.

"Hope you've got the bars for that chili dog order, 'cause I'm gonna be ordering a lot after all that!" Says Meow Skulls, feeling cheery about her winning the competition.

"Yeah, yeah. Gosh, just by 12 points, what was I doing?" Asks Y/N to themselves.

"You know we don't have to go to that chili dog place if ya really don't want to. We can always just go somewhere else." Says Meow Skulls.

"No, I'm good. Thanks, though. Oh, and thanks for the agreeing to go on this date with me. You really made today fun." Says Y/N.

"I made it fun? You're the one who suggested that fun competition. If anything, you're the one who made today fun." Says Meow Skulls.

"Eh, I still feel like you being here was more fun." Says Y/N.

"And I feel the same way." Says Meow Skulls after leaning in for a kiss on Y/N's cheek.

Y/N blushed, continuing to walk with Meow Skulls down to the chili dog place. With the sun starting to set and the two peacefully walking down the street, it would seem that today resulted wonderfully for them.

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