Chapter 3

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Momo's POV

After spending time with my parents and Eri, as well as thinking about how I will get to be Zuzu's girlfriend. I came to the conclusion that I should ask him what I need to do for him to forgive me, and tell him that I will do everything in my power to make it up to him. He just needed to ask, and no matter how embarrassing or humiliating it was I would do it.

Since University is beginning again, I needed to go back there with Eri. Mother reminded me to get my desired boyfriend, or in her words my future husband, and not let him fall through my grasp. I promised that I would, right now Eri and I are going to her room. Since I wanted to talk to Aizawa-sensei and help her unpack.

As we reached the room, Aizawa-sensei wasn't there yet, so we started unpacking her things. She had a few new additions to her room thanks to Mother taking her shopping. We were almost finished when Aizawa-sensei walked into the room.

"Hello, Yaoyorozu, Eri. I hope everything was okay while the two of you were away."

"Hello, Sensei. Yes, everything was okay, Eri didn't need to use her quirk once. We did train a little with it, but held ourselves to the rules for her training."

"That's good."

"Look, Mister Sleepy, I got new plushies!"

"*small smile* That's nice, Eri."

"Sir, I would like to talk to you in privat after I helped Eri unpack the rest."

"Of course, find me in the teachers lounge."

He then walked out and I finished up with Eri, she would hang out with the big three in a few moments. Since Nejire-senpai contacted me this morning asking if she and the others could watch over her for a bit. Because they missed their niece, which was perfect since I needed to talk to sensei. I left Eri with her coloring books, but gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

Once in the teachers lounge I saw a white board with Zuzu's picture surrounded by many more, it seems that the teachers looked into Zuzu's history. I saw many people in the pictures, from adults to students. But I wanted to talk to Sensei, he was at his desk nursing a cup of coffee.


"Hm, oh you're here already. Well, you wanted to talk?"

"Yes, it's about my class and well what they did."

"Ah, yes, *rubbing his eyes* We have decided on punishments, first they will have to give up their provisional licenses, which means that any work study they are attending is also canceled for them. They can only apply for a license again in the last year of UA, as well as they are required to serve two hundred hours of community service. This incident will also go to their files, I think they will be at best, sidekicks when they graduate UA. I'm just happy that some of them had common sense not to hate someone for something outside of their Control."

"True, but I also want to sleep in Zuzu's dorm as I can't trust the majority of my class right now."


"Oh, I mean Izuku."

"Huh,*thinks shortly about it* You know what, why not. I see no problem with that, but you need to tell his class."

"I already got the okay before I left."

"*amused scuff* Always the prepared one."

"*looks down sad* Not always, I made a mistake by giving my heart to the wrong man and ignoring the one beside me."

"Hmm, it happens, such is the way of life, sadly enough."

"Also I want to help find Zuzu, I want to bring him back to his senses."

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