Chapter 5

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Izuku's POV

As Momo and I have two days of suspension, we decided to visit Hound Dog in the morning. He luckily had time and was informed of what happened yesterday.

"So, you two, I want you to relax and take your time answering my questions. If they are too much for you, just say so and we will change the subject. Also, if you just want to talk we can do that. You decide the pace of this therapy. Let us start, how was your day so far for you two?"

"Um, pretty okay, I mean we overslept a little but overall it was okay."

"I agree with Zuzu, it was a nice and calm morning."

"That is good, as I understand he is sleeping in your dorm room, Yaoyorozu?"

"Yes, since I don't trust my classmates not to attack him in the night."

"Yeah, I mean they can't hurt me, probably, but I also don't want to stay in a room alone with those pretenders around."

"Understandable, how about those that treated you with respect or were more neutral?"

"They are okay, Ashido is a little too much sometimes, but I know she means well. Asui is bold, which is a nice contrast from others. Since she doesn't mean it in a bad way, it's just how she is. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are also nice, but I do have trouble understanding him sometimes and when that happens Dark Shadow translates for me so no big deal. Jiro is pretty chill, if you don't provoke her that is. Shoji and Koda are more of the calm silent type, but once you talk with them they are nice. You just need patience and understanding with them."

"Good, good, at least there are those that you can connect to. Now this is something that your quirk said when he took over for you. As I said, you don't need to answer if you don't think you can handle it."


"Your quirk said that you felt like your mother betrayed you or abandoned you. Do you still think that way?"

The scene of my four year old self asking my mother if I could be a hero flashed into my mind.

"I.....I do, back then I was looking for some form of comfort. Some piece of hope, even if there was none.*begins to tear up* I just wanted someone to lift me up, to reassure me that everything will be okay. But.....she didn't, I love my Mom, but that hurt more than I ever want to admit."

I felt Momo grab my hand and look at her. She was crying too. She took my head and placed it on her shoulder, giving me an anchor. Her hand was combing through my hair.

"On that day, I learned that not everyone was born equal. Some of us don't get to be what they want, others get pushed to be something they aren't. And I wanted to change that, somehow bring hope to those people. But I was betrayed by my best friend back then too, he began to bully me. For something outside of my control, something I never wished for."

"Very admirable of you, have you ever told your mother how you feel about her words from back then?"

"No, she had enough problems with my father leaving us. And then being a single mother, I didn't need to add to it."

"I see, Yaoyorozu, how would you describe Mrs. Midoriya?"

"She is caring and warm, you will be hard pressed to find a more kind hearted woman than her. I.......*sigh* I once had to beg her for Zuzu to train with me. Back then I wondered why she frowned at him trying to be a hero. Now I know she was concerned, but she gave in after I promised to protect him."

"*nodding his head* Interesting, I believe that it would be good to include her in one of our sessions in the future. She might have let her worry for her son overshadow her desire to help him achieve his dream. It might do good for you two to hear each other out and you might say something hurtful to her, Midoriya. But she needs you to be honest with her, but that is for a later date. How about your father, what do you think about him?"

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