Chapter 10

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(Y/n)s pov

Black..that's all I see. Black void. I couldn't move or anything. 'Did I die?' I couldn't tell. I could move anything or see anything. I was just...stuck. out of nowhere I heard...laughter?
I opened my eyes only to a blinfing light. 'Yep. I'm dead. It's the white light everyone talks about..' "Hey wake up." I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice. "Huhhhh?" I turned my head to the side to see a man- with a blue mask- "what the fuck?" I said in a groggy voice.

He walked over into the light and I saw back goo run down his mask. "Ohhhhh heyyyy" I said giggling. "Slendy, He's awake, a little out of it but he'll be fine in about an hour." He spoke to.. no one? All of the sudden I heard the static from before. In an instant I covered my ears screaming.
EJs pov
"Oh god." I said. "What happened?" Slendy asked. "He can't hear you when you're in the presence. All he hears is static so it'll take a little bit." I told him. "That never happened before" "I know. It's weird but it's like there's something interfering with it. Like something is blocking it." I said going to the cabinets and looking through them. "You may want to leave so he'll stop screaming. I don't want the others coming down here and trying to kill him." I said and grabbed what I needed. When I turned around he was gone.

(Y/n) stopped screaming but he was still crying. "Looks like you're out of the groggy-ness. How are you feeling?" I asked and he looked at me with tears streaming down his face. "What is that?" His voice was cracking. "Our boss. Once I figure out what's blocking it you'll be able to talk to him." Once I said that he started sobbing.

"Hey.. stop crying.. it'll all be fine. Trust me" I told him wiping his tears. "Why am I here?." He looked up at me. "You were able to escape Tobias. Or as we call him, Toby. You were the only one. Surprisingly." I told him and "what's it's blocking?" He asked. "It's like a signal from Slender. He like sends out waves or something to talk I guess. I don't know all of it honestly."

He was silent after that. I kinda felt bad. Not really because I do it everyday. Just kinda sad that he doesn't know what's going on. He kept looking at me, making me realize my hand were still on his cheeks. "Oh. Sorry" I said pulling my hands away. "It's fine.. but what do I have to do?" He asked.

"Kill." "What?!" He yelled. "You have to kill. It's weird at first but you'll get use to it." The moment I said that tears started building in his eyes. "Hey hey hey.. it's going to be ok." I said wiping his tears again. "I don't kill people.." He told me. 'God this kid' "You do kill people. I heard you killed people in an asylum. Pretty impressive." I told him walking away. "Wait! Where are you going?" He asked.

"To Slenderman. I need to figure out where to put you, how to train you stuff like that." And with that I left.
(Y/n)s pov
What is going to happen? Why am I here? I'm scared. I decided I should get up and try to walk around. So I got off the cot and the moment my feet hit the ground my legs caved. 'How long have I been out to not be able to fucking walk?' I tried to get up again but my legs just wasn't having it. "You've got to be fucking kidding me! Why the fuck can't I stand?!" I said and the moment I did I heard foot steps.

The door opened and I saw the guy walk in. "Well turns out- what the fuck?" He said looking at me. "I was thinking I could walk but my legs caved. How long was I out?" I asked. "Three days. Humans are weird. Takes so much trauma and yet can't handle slenderman." He said as if it was normal. "Who are you?.." I asked. I was honestly scared of his answer. Only to get something I didn't expect. "Oh. I didn't say that before? Ej. Or Eyeless Jack." He said.

He then picked me up and put me back on the cot. I didn't know what to do other than just sit there. "What's your name?" He asked bringing a chair closer. "I thought you knew." I told him. "Just a test. So what's your name? Full name." He said. "Y/n Dunn" I told him. No reaction. "Date of birth?" "1995" I said. "Full date" ughhhhh "1995 September 23rd" I told him again.

"Address? Full." "I- why? And which one?" I asked scoffing. "All." Damn he's short with his responses. "1: 556 darkin av. 2: 22 Bassrun dr. 3: Docworth Mental Asylum. 4:random motel in Origin Wisconsin." I told him. "Is docworth real?" He asked. "I don't know I never bothered to ask what's the name. Nor look at the sign." I told him crossing my arms. "Ok ok. Sorry. Do you know why you're here?" He asked. "Because I was the first one to escape some guy?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Good." He said standing. "Sooo?" "Well you're definitely better but you'll have to stay down here until you're able to communicate with Slenderman. Do you know medical stuff? Like stitching, wounds, surgery?" He asked. I only nodded. "Good because a lot of people get hurt and it'll be nice to finally have som help with Dr. Smiley and Nurse Anne is gone." He said putting the chair away. "So Y/n Dunn, you're my new partner for a while." He said holding his hand out for me to shake it. I took it and shook.
Took me fucking forever!! I think a month? Omfg.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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