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In my heart i knew that i was dreaming, but that didn't stop the fear that was tearing through me. I couldn't get away from them. The people that were supposed to love me and take care of me. I screamed, but they only laughed at me.

"No one can hear you Malikia. Besides, who would want to help a stupid slut like you." Liam sneered down at me.

I cried out when his fist connected with my face. My whole body hurt. I knew for a fact that at least three ribs were fractured; if not broken. My lip and nose were broken, but the latter didn't feel out of place. So at least that wasn't too bad. I knew for a fact that i probably had a concussion. And still they beat me.

My father snickered down at me. "If you had only died when we abandoned you in the attic! But that stupid maid had to secretly feed you. Oh well, it's really all your fault. If you hadn't cried, none of this would have happened to you."

I cried even harder when he kicked me in the side again. I was too tired to fight; there was nothing that i could do anymore. I was just to tire of fighting so i went limp. The only sound that left my lips was whimpers and groans, whenever they hit me.


I woke up to banging on my door. "Maliki! Get your lazy ass up out of bed!" My father shouted. His tone made me wish that i had been born into another family. Why did the Goddess hate me?

I rolled over and gasped. My ribs felt on fire, and my stomach was all cramped in pain. I groaned as i remembered my dream. I had really hoped it was just that, but apparently the fates hated me as much as my family. Even they wouldn't answer my prayers. No one would.

I gingerly kicked the sheet off me, but even that hurt. I let out a shaky sob and pulled my shirt up softly, to inspect the wounds. The bruises on my stomach were a deep, dark angry blue-black color. Surrounded by disgusting green-yellow bruises that were vanishing from the last beating i had received.

I stifled a groan, the voice in my head reminding me that i shouldn't make another noise in case that they could hear it. I sat up slowly, trying to make my frazzled brain wake up. I just couldn't seem to pull myself out of the pain this morning. Not like usual, i could feel a new change coming. But wasn't sure if it was good or bad.

I yawned, what was today? Oh right, it's my birthday. Inside my mind won't shut up that I'm finally seventeen, but i knew that nothing nice would happen to me, nothing ever did on my birthday. I stood slowly, swallowed two aspirin, before pulling on my only pair of baggy sweats and a halter top. I quickly made my way down stairs. I honestly didn't want another beating, so i kept my eyes down and my face blank.

"Yes Father." I said politely.

"Maliki, why do you continue to defy me?" He snarled.

I couldn't help but flinch at his tone. "I am very sorry Father. I did not mean to defy you."

He sneered. "I told you to be up and in the kitchen to make our breakfast at six this morning. Yet here it is that i had to come wake you up at," He looked at his watch. "Six-thirty. You are nothing but a disgrace to this family. I don't even know why we continue to try."

I fought a grimace that wanted to dominate my face, but still said nothing, it was better to do that then say anything these days. I didn't want to anger anyone; or worse, get beat by any of them again. I was always the worst on my birthdays. Though i knew what would happen to me once they ate. It always happened right after.

My mother used to stop him, when i was younger. But she tried to be a great mother back then. But as i grew and got mature, she also became more distant. She hardly looked my way anymore. And when she did look at me, it was more like she was looking through me. She never stopped the boys either. Before she would scold them for being harsh or mean to me, now it was playful with her. She never stops father from beating me to within an inch of my life now.

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