Chapter III

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(A/N: Aloha 💚 It's me again 😁

I believe you'll like this chapter. As always, I am open to any feedback. Also, I remind you that there is a playlist for this book on Spotify ➡


Othiel couldn't breathe, or rather struggled to breathe long after the incident. 

It was so hard to believe, and yet... it happened. Here on Earth. Nobody could have expected this, nobody... 

He didn't really know why he pulled that human nestling out of the fire. So far, he has never intervened in this way. He'd come across what his kin had done more than once, but he'd simply ignored it and moved on. This time, however, it was different.

He could see the fire from a distance, and something...some force literally pushed him in that direction. When he got closer, he sensed that there was another living creature in the burning building... He felt as if someone else was controlling his body when he decided to go inside and pull out the nestling. He didn't think about what he would do with it once he rescued it, that thought came later, and that's when... IT HAPPENED.

He felt someone else close by, then heard them. He turned his head in the direction from which came the crack of a breaking branch and literally stunned.

He wasn't prepared for it. 

But has anyone ever been prepared to see themselves...? For enlightenment...? Understanding everything in one second...?

No,... he doubt so.

It was a human female... He had never seen her before, but he felt as if he had known her forever. The face was unfamiliar, but those eyes... Maybe not the eyes themselves but the look, the look was known to him... Even more than his own.

Everything slowly came to him, and he tried to wrap his mind around it, feeling that in a moment he might go mad...

He lingered for a while... A long while. 

He had to leave... He had to give himself time to think... But what about the nestling?

Somehow he managed to tear his eyes away from the human female's and looked at the nestling at his feet, then back at her. He asked her with his eyes if he could leave now if she would take care of the cub. He knew she would understand, and he wasn't wrong.

She nodded without hesitation. He knew this gesture because it was also used in his culture and meant simply: yes.

He turned and walked away quickly.

He didn't want to make any mistakes... He had to act carefully and slowly...He hid in the darkness of the night, trying to control his breathing and calm down. He didn't know what to do now... In addition, there was no one around who could advise him.

Suddenly, one sober thought popped into his head. Maybe he didn't know what to do, but he certainly could tell what he shouldn't do, and he certainly shouldn't lose this female right now, because that would be the worst thing.

He sprang to his feet and ran after her, imperceptibly, like a shadow. He decided that their paths did not cross by chance. Anyway, he never believed in coincidences.


That day, when it turned out that you were going to get ammo and meet the reptile, you were once again awakened by a dream about two hands. However, you forgot about it quickly after overhearing the conversation between your uncle and two men who, together with Anthony, were engaged in hunting, and they were mostly the ones who left the hiding place if necessary.

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