Chapter VI

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Aloha 💜 I'm so sorry for such a long delay! I'll try to speed up a bit now.

As always, thank You all sooo much for every comment and star and everything, it really gives me wings.)

The morning was quite chilly. The Sun had just risen and sunrays were making their way through the tree branches lazily. A strong and piercing wind forced you to turn up your collar and hide your neck and cheeks deep into it.

You went towards the forest, where you could hear the wonderful singing of birds. It cheered you up. Even though the human world turned upside down, nature was still in harmony. It was comforting, somehow.

First, you wished to find Othiel and perhaps, if he agreed, wander into the town center with him. You had no idea what was waiting there. Scouts hadn't ventured into these areas for some time, but you hoped you'd find something in a pharmacy.

You walked through the forest for a few minutes, more or less in the direction from which some time ago, maybe a week or two, you and Othiel had come from his hideout.

Suddenly, something thudded next to you. As if some great weight had fallen to the ground from a great height. You turned around quickly and were relieved to see Othiel.

'Hi,' you greeted with a demure smile.

Othiel was less reserved, he just scooped you up in his arms and hugged you. Ever since you told him about this way of greeting, it was how he greeted you.

You laughed 'I missed you too.'

'All right?' he asked, releasing you from his arms and sliding his goggles from his eyes onto his forehead. 'You didn't say you were going out!'

'Sorry, that was quite unexpected. I'm perfectly fine, but one of the children... that is, my cousin's nestling is sick, I need to find some medicine... You know, something that helps with recovery... I was hoping that maybe you could help me... Maybe we'll find something in town...?'

'I have my own medicines, they work very well, I can give them to you.'

'They probably work on Roughskins, but we don't know how they will affect humans. I'd rather look for medicaments to which our bodies are used to, first. If we won't find any, then I'll borrow something, okay?'

He nodded. 'Tell me exactly what you need and I'll find it.'

'I'd like to accompany you...'

He was thinking, looking at you carefully.

'Please...!' You made a fawning face and it worked.

'Fine, but just do what I say. I don't want to put you at risk.'



The savages' lair was the last place you expected to find medicines. Of course, you would never risk breaking into their hideout on your own, but you trusted your friend to know what he was doing.

It was noon when you arrived at the one-story house they occupied, on the other side of town. It was a bit distant from other, more or less dilapidated houses in the suburbs. Two streets away was the head of the forest which you leave a couple of minutes ago.

To avoid trouble, you didn't take the road through the town, you just walked around, so it took you much longer.

Othiel claimed there wasn't a soul within a two-kilometer radius, except for a bunch of savages you were about to break into.

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