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Hello..... Man it's been quite a while since I've been writing on here again. Sorry for the long wait I just had a lot of things going on in my life I just got really bad writers block. 

There were quite somethings that happened during the time I wasn't writing, for example something happened to one of my family members who I love and respect a lot. I was in a dark place at the time, Anger and rage was consuming me really bad. 

Wanting to punch walls, to beat the ever-loving shit at someone. But I had to spend time with family to relax. I realize during this time that I was too naïve. 

Thinking 'Hey my bestest friend was never going to leave me. But I still can't believe they were defending that piece of shit over me. But they still love me I am their best friend' 

Ohhhhhh boy was I wrong to think that. Last year they showed me that a boy was more important, more dear, more greater than 12 years of friendship. 

Some might say 'Hey but it took you years to at least post something on here for that' Listen what I went through maybe other people have went through

But others deal these types of things differently. I however was pushed over by rage. I always felt like I was putting up a front in front of people. 

I was a people pleaser, meaning I just wanted to be accepted somewhere. If I had to act as a person who would do anything anyone would ask me. Then I was that person. I was too nice for my own good. But I did it to be friends with that person. 

People would make assumptions about me because I was that persons friend and I was the little girl who just followed them around. I never did speak up for myself which now I call my old self the weakling who could never speak up because she wanted to be friends with that person more than being herself. 

I always felt like I was never my true self. I felt like I locked away the true me in a dark room with no way out. But they were tired of being locked away from the world. So once something happened it made them snap with rage.

But I'm glad they are out because I can defend my self now. Not having to worry that people will thinking I'm that same person. I felt like it was a younger version of me wanting to burst and show who I really am. Now they are out and showing the world who I really am. I won't go back to those silly ways. 

I won't ever say what  happened during that time I have moved on and grown as a person. Trust issues resurfaced again. 

But there was something good that came out of it all, and I want to show them that I will always be there with them.  

Now enough of this sad stuff. Let me know what I should write now, something new, or continue with this. 

I honestly missed writing, I've been on here reading a lot of great stories, but I want to know if I should go onto something else. 

I have some drafts for this book but I don't know if I should continue them, I've started watching anime for about 3 years now so that something I love to watch. 

But I want to hear your opinions and see how you guys have been doing. 

Hope you guys are doing well much love!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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