Dare {2}

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Evan's P.O.V.
I was currently at home the next day getting ready for school. Yesterday was fun with Tyler he is a nice guy and I enjoyed it very much.

I brushed my teeth and hair already so I just put my purple skirt, a black crop top which had a little Winnie the Pooh on the left chest peck.

Some black Vans socks with some Vans high top which were red. I looked at my self in the mirror looking cute. I grabbed my backpack, phone, keys, and little wallet and was out my room.

I walked down the stairs to hear movement in the kitchen "alright Andrew I'm leaving" I yelled "come eat some breakfast you have an hour till school starts I'll drive you don't worry" he said from the kitchen.

I put down my backpack putting my keys and wallet in the small pocket. I walked over to the kitchen phone in hand. Andrew was making some bacon, eggs and pancakes.

He turned to me and smiled, funny thing about me and my brother we look nothing a like, he is ginger, and I'm not. He is tanned-ish while I am full tan.

"Sit down and eat" he said I sat down at the table he finished the last set of eggs and laid them on the plate. He turned off the stove and sat down in front of me.

He started to dig in and eat "So where did you go yesterday" he asked "Oh I went to help a class mate of mine on his homework" I said taking a piece of bacon of food in my mouth

"That's good hopefully I get to meet this friend of yours" he said smirking I swallowed the bacon in my mouth then rolled my eyes

"Oh come on Andrew it's nothing like that, but I do have a date with him" I said "Ohhhh okay but I do want to meet him" he said "okay you will" I said

We continued to eat our food that he cooked for us after we were done we cleaned up the kitchen. "okay do you want to go to school already" Andrew asked

"Yeah do you think you can take me already please" I asked "Yea let's go" he said grabbing his keys. We walked out the house locking the door.

Then we walked to his car he unlocked it and we both went in our side of the car, got in, closed the door and buckling in.

He started the ignition and we were out the driveway and on our way to my school. "So when can I meet this guy" he asked

"Oh my gosh Andrew" I said punching his arm "Hey I just want to meet him and see if he is right for my little brother" he said

"Well I know soon since our date might be soon" I said "okay" he said he turned the corner to the street of my school.

"Alright don't forget dad wants to have dinner with us soon so be prepared" Andrew said "super" I said with sarcasm rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on Evan you know he means well" he said "yea because not calling us back for the last 6 months means well." I said

"Maybe he has changed" Andrew said pulling up to the school. "Yea hopefully you're right" I said Andrew parked in front of the school.

"Alright I'll pick you up after school so we can get you some new clothes" Andrew said "awww you're so sweet." I said

Andrew laughed "Alright get to class little bro" he said I hugged him and left the car. Closing it behind me I see Tyler wave at me from the front stairs of the school.

"Hey Evan who's that" Tyler pointed out as I walked over to him. I looked back to see Andrew looking at us I smiled rolling my eyes. I looked back at Tyler.

"That's my older brother Andrew, he came and dropped me off" I said "that's cool, so I was wondering about our date" he said.

We walked to the inside of the school. And I had a feeling Andrew wasn't looking at us anymore. "Oh yeah when do you want to do it" I said

"Well I was hoping that we have it tomorrow at 11:30 am since it's a Saturday and I have the perfect place to go" he said "sure but you need to meet my brother" I said

"Alright yea" he said

Tyler's P.O.V.
I was at my locker taking out books for my next class soon a shadow is next to me. "You know Tyler what you are doing is really wrong" Kelly said

I slammed my locker and looked at her. "Kelly this is all fake don't worry it's not like he will do anything" I said.

"I don't know Tyler what if you really catch feelings for him what will you do? And what if he really does catch feelings?" She said

I didn't say anything, "keep that in kind Tyler" she said walking away. I shook my head and walked to my next class.

The next day Tyler's P.O.V.
It is 9:30 am and I am getting ready making sure everything is set. There was a knock at the door. "Come in" I said

The door opened it was my mom "aww look at my boy so where are you taking the sweet boy." She said

"To dinner at walk in a flower field, then to a drive in movie theater." I said "Aww the boy will love it have fun and don't break his heart" she said walking out

I don't know about that mom.

End of 2nd part of Dare
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this part if you have any ideas on what to put on the next one let me know. Alright I'll see you guys in the next Dare one shot. Bye my hoodini's ☺️

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