Where's Evan

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Requested by: Bearisti

Summary:Vanoss has gone missing after a night at cockatoos (GTA 5 night club) and wildcat has to go find Evan but when he finds Evan he sees a jealous Jon about to kill him

Tyler P.O.V.
I was at home just woke up to see what time it was it was 8:30 a.m. I looked at my phone to see a bunch of missed phone calls it was from Brian an Craig I quickly called Brian

T-Tyler B-Brian

T-hey what's wrong

B- finally you pick up fucker

T- just tell me what's wrong


I quickly started to get worried an think its a prank

T- you better not be lying

B- I'm not I went to his house an saw that the door was open I looked inside an it was a mess

T- I'll be on my way

I hung up and went to Evan's house oh I hope this isn't a prank cause if it was I will kill them literally

The drive to Evans house
I arrived to his house I walked to his door an see Brian hugging a crying Craig ok this isn't a prank "Craig are you alright" I asked he looked at me with teary eyes an ran to me

He hugged me an I hugged back "Brian tell me what's going on now" I said "I think when we were done at cockatoos some one broke in an took him" he said

I am going to kill anyone that has him I started to get angry I think Craig saw it an he pulled away "Tyler calm down Evan wouldnt want you like this" he said

I started to calm down an think who wasn't there with us or maybe they left a note I started to look around to see if they left a note or something to see why they took him

I finally found it I read it

Dear Tyler‚
If you are reading this you may have notice that your Evan has been taken I'm not saying who but you took the one thing I love most I love him more than you so make sure you said your goodbyes to him cause you are never going to see him again

I got more mad this is it NOBODY STEALS MY BOYFRIEND FROM ME I flinched when I felt an arm on my shoulder it was Brian "don't worry Tyler we will find him" he said

"I hope so" I said letting the tears I have been holding finally out I felt them hug me I returned it

Evan P.O.V.
I woke up to a room that I haven't been in the light was shining on me an the rest was dark "look who is up" I heard a voice say I tried to move but I couldnt I was trapped

"Don't even try to leave cause if you do I will hurt Tyler" I started to get the voice clear it was "Jon don't do nothing to him please" I cried

"Oh I won't but I need you to stay away from Tyler" he said moving to the light "never I love him" I said "you never knew I love you Evan" he said I was shocked

"But I don't love you Jon I fell in love with Tyler I used to love you but you were with Luke so that's why" I said honest "well you now mine" he said an kissed me

I tried to pull away but I couldn't I didn't kiss back he growled an hit me I groaned in pain an kissed back I don't want this I want to be with my Tyler I cried as I kissed him

Tyler P.O.V
I was pacing back an forth calling everyone to see if they see him they said no but they didn't I tried to call Del but nothing he didn't answer

Its weird Del always answers "they didn't see him they are also worried Lui is coming over" Brian said Craig was on the couch asleep the door opened it was Lui

Lui came up to me an hugged me I hugged back "Lui I need to you to help me find him" I said "sure anything for Evan" he said "you guys don't go you'll get hurt" Brian said

"Brian he is out there I have to find him" I said "an I think I have a thought who took him" Lui said we looked at him confused "come on Tyler" Lui said

"Be safe" Brian said we nodded an went where Lui told me to go

They drove to Jon's house
"Lui what are we doing here" I asked him "this is where Evan" he said "I don't know if this is a good idea" I said "come on I am positive he is in there" he said

I turned off the car an followed Lui to the door he unlocked it an we went inside "JON STOP LET ME GO" I heard Evan yell I was about to go find him but Lui stopped me

"You distract Del an I help Evan ok" he said I nod liking the plan I moved to the noises it was down on the basement I opened it only to see Jon kissing Evan I got so angry

Evan looked at me with eyes widen he pulled away an Jon turned around he pulled a knife to his neck I took a step front but Jon just put it closer to his neck

"One more step an he is gone" he said Evan whimpered letting the tears go "Jon please let him go" I said as I cried "NEVER YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME AN NOW LET ME TAKE"

"AWAY FROM YOU" he yelled "Jon please I'll do anything" I said he came up to me an pinned to the an put the knife in my neck "let me kill you then" he said

"NO JON DONT KILL HIM" Evan yelled I saw Lui go behind him an untied I think Jon heard cause he got a gun from his pants an pointed it to Evan an Lui

"So what's your choice" Jon said at this point I had enough I got my gun an pinned Jon to the wall he dropped the weapons "GO LEAVE" I yelled to them

They ran upstairs he started to fight me I gave in each punch "don't ever touch my Evan" I said mad he started to fight me giving me some cuts an bruises

I heard the police come "put your hands up" a policeman said Jon put his hands up one of them got him an took him out side a nurse came to help me

He took me outside an started to help me "wait where's Evan" I asked him he pointed to My Evan I ran to him he came running to me an hugged me he cried

"T-T-Tyler I t-thought I wasn't going to see you again" he cried "don't worry I got you" I said as I kissed him he kissed back we pulled away I looked at him

He had bruises on his face "Ty they said that Jonathan is going to be there for 3 years" Lui said I smiled down to Evan who also was smiling

We all hugged I love my Evan an I am never going to let him be by him self

So what do you think guys so Bearisti if that wasn't what you wanted sorry i hoped you liked it but still hope you enjoyed give some more request an I'll see you later my hoodini's peace 😀

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