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Summary:Evan is the flyer for guys and girls but the guys carry him so Evan is dating the football player Tyler. Evan is the most innocent person in the whole school but one day Evan gets harassed by some other players from the football game Tyler walks in on them when he was going to use the restroom and find his boyfriend being touched by some guys and beats the shit out of them

Tyler's P.O.V.
I am at Evan's house waiting for him to get ready for school "BABY ARE YOU READY" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs I see him get out of his room with my jersey and his skirt from his cheerleader outfit

"how do I look" he asked I had my jaw dropped from the beautiful sight in front of me "wow you look amazing" I said he walked down the stairs and was on the last step

"thank you love" he said kissing me but still tippy toeing since he is that short he wrapped his arms around my neck while mine around his waist

We kissed for a bit more before grabbing our backpacks he closed the door to his house and we walked to my motorcycle

I got on first putting my backpack on the handle "hey baby take the helmet" I said giving him it "what about you love" he said worried

I took out my extra helmet and he had a relax face now he put on the helmet and me next "hold on tight baby" I said he wrapped his arms around my stomach tightly

I turned on my motorcycle I looked his way to see if he was ready he nod and way drove to school he giggled all the way to school knowing he loves being on my bike

We got off my bike and walked to the entrance with my hand around his waist many people whistled but I gave them glared

Evan held me back from hitting them so we walked to class together we both had the same class except P.E.

We went in class and saw our group we went over to them "hey guys what's up" I said "oh nothing just getting ready for the game" Craig said snuggling up to Jon

"We are totally winning this game" I said Jon said "Hella yea we are" we both laughed Evan pulled me to his level "getting cocky I see" he said in my ear

"I bet you love it tho" I said in his ear he giggled and kissed my cheek we sat down and waited for our teacher to come in

An we saw a sub come in "good morning class sadly today your teacher isn't here he didn't leave you guys anything so what you're all going to do is do whatever you want just don't make so much noise thank you" he said

The whole class cheered but the calmed down everyone was doing there one thing

(Time skip to the game) Evan's P.O.V
Roars from the crowd was heard as the teams were neck an neck on the last second of the game.

"Let's go Wildcats let's go" we cheered we all waved our Pom poms around as our team was so close Tyler had the ball in his hands

He pushed pass three guys and made a touch down screams were heard as that was the last buzz. The team ran to Tyler hugged him and carried him

Craig ran to me and hugged we jumped around hugging Lui hugged me as well "oh they did won that" Lui said

"We gave them encouragement that's why" I said we giggled we turned and saw our boys coming towards us I ran to Tyler

Wrapping my hands around his neck and kissing him "congrats love" I said "couldn't have done it without you cheering me on" Tyler said

"You guys ready to go" Brian said we always went back to Tyler's place to celebrate just the 6 of us

"Hold on I need to get something from the locker room I'll be right back" I said everyone nod Tyler kissed me and I was off

I opened the door to the locker room and went to my locker to get my backpack I heard the doors to the locker room open but I didn't pay much attention to it

"Well well well look what we have here boys" a voice said I looked up and saw 2 guys there. They are from the other team

"Look leave me alone I'm not interested" I said closing my locker and trying to walk away they held me back

"Leaving already the fun's about to begin" the other one said the pinned to the locker and started kissing me and touching me all over.

I tried fighting them but they pinned my hands to the wall I screamed for Tyler hoping he would hear me but the guy covered my mouth

"Make a sound an I'll hurt you" I started crying they kept kissing me and touching me in places I didn't want them to touch.

Tyler's P.O.V.
I started getting worried of Evan he was taking a while half way to the locker room I heard a scream that was Evan's I ran to the locker room

And saw him being pinned by to fucks I got really mad and pushed them off him "what the fuck do you think you are doing" I said Evan ran to me and hugged me

Crying on my chest "trying to have some fun man" fuck 1 said I was furious I turned to Evan "stay here I'll handle them" I said

"No please Tyler I need you here right now p-please" he said sobbing I nod but I turned to them and knocked them out my coach our friends and the others team coach came in.

"What happened" coach said Lui and Craig ran to Evan comforting him "these two were harassing my boyfriend sir and I protected him" I said

The others team coach shock his head "I'm terribly sorry about these two I'll be sure that they be expelled and leave a report on them" he said

I nod I walk over to Evan he came to me and hugged me I kissed his head Brian came up to us along with Jon

"Hey Evan wanna hang out at your place an order pizza" he said trying to cheer him

He looked at him and nod the coach asked Evan some questions which he answered scared. An I got more and more pissed but stayed calm for Evan

After we were done we got Evan's things and left. I gave Evan my sweater we got on my motorcycle and went to his house.

Once we got there we entered his house an waited for the guys to come to the house Evan came up to me and kissed me I kissed back 

He stopped and put his head on my chest "How are you feeling baby" I asked him "okay I guess but all I want right now is you and the guys" he said 

I nod and carry him to the couch and put him on my lap soon the guys came in with pizza soda and chips Evan smiled 

We started talking and having fun making Evan totally forget what happened. We locked everything got some blankets and got comfortable

I kissed Evan one more time "I love you Evan" I said "I love you too Tyler" he said we cuddled and then we fell asleep with the rest of the guys 

The end 

I'm  baackkk hello everyone how you guys doing today sorry for not posting for a while it has been very hard right now I hope you guys can understand that. Any way I will be posting more now I promise you that I have a lot of good ideas for the next one shots. But anyway I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you guys later bye my hoodini's PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!

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