Chapter 1

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Once upon a time in a dark world lived the great wizard of disguise named Eugene. He was a handsome man and had a very kind nature. He was the sexiest most purest man to ever live but little did he know that there was a soul that would infiltrate his mind. 


This evil soul within Eugene's mind would try to make him participate in unholy practices, corrupting both his innocence and his soul. This evil spirit's name was Alaska. She has even corrupted the most innocent of minds and will not stop until Eugene's conscience was deep into the gutters.


Alaska was a terrible spirit, who forced Eugene to do terrible things. Under Alaska's control, he very quickly established a sex trafficking ring, brought back slavery to the Americas, and committed several war crimes in the middle east.


After years of being in control of a sex trafficking ring and slave trading, Eugene (Krabs) and Alaska were defeated by Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln - being the based and almost god like being - fucking destroyed Alaska, and nothing was left. DEAD. Eugene on the other hand survived and was saved by Abraham.  


Abraham and Eugene soon left the scene, leaving Alaska's body to rot. They travelled for days until they finally stumbled across the shelter. Eugene had no energy left after what happened a few days before so Abraham took the liberty of searching for a first aid kit or some supplies to help Eugene's wounds. While Abraham was gone, Eugene was still in a state of shock. Even though it had been a few days, he didn't believe that he was still real.

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