Chapter 4

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Eugene jumped out of the tower and - as he's a wizard - began to fly. But what about the others? How would they escape? Eugene's saviour complex got the best of him so what he decided to do was save them. Little did he know that Ludwig was actually a werewolf and Ludwig's affection for Abraham had overruled his control, so they were both safe. Eugene with his powers and Ludwig with his wolf turning abilities jumped out of the tower and carried Abraham with them. Crashing into the ground he turned back to his original form, sexy as ever.


The police were quick to arrive on the scene. With the thousands of people dead upon the impact of the falling building. Ludwig, Eugene and Abraham were the only survivors. They fled the scene as soon as they could, ensuring that their abilities would not be discovered by the authorities.


Arriving at an abandoned building, the two gaze into eachothers eyes with lustful intent. "Oh, Abraham," Ludwig moans as he touches Abraham's chest. Abraham leans in closer and whispers "Good boy..." in a deep and masculine voice so intoxicating that Ludwig feels himself rising. Abraham pushes Ludwig, slamming him into a wall. Abraham grabs Ludwig and holds him there, lips barely a centimetre apart. Abrahams breath felt comforting on Ludwigs face, Abraham's hand grabbed Ludwig's neck, a sense of excitement arising from the both of them.


"What the fuck." said Eugene as he walked into the room seeing Abraham and Ludwig on the verge of shagging. The two immediately stepped back. "Oh- wow! Eugene! There you are. We were just uh, just looking for you!" Chuckled Ludwig nervously. "...By getting into eachothers faces?" asked Eugene. "Uh, aha, I was just getting a bug off of him. That's all!" said Abraham desperately. "Hey, we should um, leave! The police will be here soon." Ludwig weakly noted. The three of them darted out of the building, heading back home. 


The trio emerged from the abandoned house and were greeted by a line of police cars, barricades and policemen about 20 metres away. All armed and aiming at them. "Show us your hands!" one of the police officers shouted. Eugene stepped forward and looked back at Abraham and Ludwig "Let's make a dash for it, there is a thick forest over there...maybe we can lose them in the trees. On my mark we'll run". Eugene continued to step forward as the police all aimed their guns ready to fire if needed. "SCRAM BOYS!" Eugene shouted as they all turned and made a dash for the tree line. 


"STOP! WE'RE THE TINANOO RAMGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT" the trio stared at them, Abraham then looked at Ludwig and Eugine. They all nodded and started booking it out the door. Shots were fired as they ran out. "Over there!" shouted Eugine who was pointing at the space underneath some slanted boulders. Abraham and Eugine ended up getting there while Ludwig ended up getting shot in the leg for being so fucking slow. In the distance, the trio soon saw someone walking ever so slowly, cocking his 2 metre long musket "Well well... Who do we have here?"


"George Washington, what are you doing here?" Abraham was stunned, his dear friend THE George Washington had arrived to fight against the Tinanoo Ramgan Police Department. "And I brought back-up!" George Washington reveals the entire revolutionary army behind him. "Lads! Are you ready to overthrow another government?" Washington asks. "YEAH!" The troops respond quickly and are ready and waiting. "READY, AIM... FIRE!"

Harley (Again)

The army fired all at once, shooting the bodies of the Tinanoo Ramgan police till they looked like a fine swiss cheese. "Hazaah!" cried George. "The battle is won!" "Uh, guys, you might wanna see this..." said Eugene, pointing towards the sky. "We've got company!" Several flying whales zoomed overhead, all dropping napalm as they went. The army, as well as our band of delinquents, ran for cover. "My word, they just committed a war crime!" Claimed George with disgust. "Based..." commented Lincoln. "Right! We won't stand for that. Fourth Position, lads! Aim for the blowholes!" Commanded George, as his men, in perfect sync, aimed their weapons to the sky. "Wait... Wait... and... TALLY-HO!" Thousands of bullets rained upon the blubber of the whales. Not one fell from the sky - they remained unharmed. "Their hides are protecting them! Shit!" yelled Ludwig from where he was taking cover. "No matter. Fire again!" commanded George. Nothing was heard but a thousand clicks. "Oh yeah, we are using muskets. Reload lads!" George and his army began to reload. The whales waited patiently, as is courtesy, for them to reload. The soldiers placed a paper round into their guns. The whales checked their watches. The soldiers then used their rods to shove down the paper rounds. Some whales went for a walk for a breath of fresh air. The soldiers picked up their gunpowder bags. The whales began to sit down and get comfortable. The soldiers then sprinkled gunpowder into their guns. Many of the whales commented that they missed their families. The soldiers were then placed in the lead rounds. Many whales were beginning to show wrinkles on their supple cheeks. The soldiers finally cocked the hammers of their guns and aimed... at the skeletons of the whales. They looked around, confused - till they realised that in classic musket fashion, it had taken 45 years to reload. The whales had died of old age. The battle was won. All the soldiers as well as our band of misfits hadn't aged a day, was this some sort of time shenanigans? Who knows.

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