Chapter 7 Final

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Giga Chad had basically adopted Eugene, and Eugene became a plastic, like one of the mean girls from the movie mean girls. This improved his rizz drastically, not only did everyone want to be with him, everyone wanted to be him. Many women-like illusions of the Rizi Prison or 'Harlanna' loved him. 'Harlanna' was the place that Eugene had now lived, veered away from all the conflict he faced; Although he loved it, he wanted to escape. One day when he was on his daily market trip he ran into thieves, trying to steal a packet of oranges, oranges these days were expensive as balls. So Eugene being Eugene ran up and gave the thief a generic anime kick to the legs. As the thief stumbled to the ground the hood of his cape came up. Only to reveal that it was Abraham. Turns out Abraham did not actually die, but was taken to the Nazi Prison, much like Eugene. Whatever will he do now, will he continue to live like how he has for the past 3 months or is he going to seek out love and adventure?

Obviously, Eugine was not going to just let Abraham leave, so he grabbed Abraham by the wrist and dragged him onto an empty nearby street. When Eugine and Abraham had paused to take a breath, Eugine looked at Abraham, only to reel back in shock. This was not Abraham, this was the supposedly 'dead' spirit, Alaska. They had somehow returned and were now possessing Abraham, the person who defeated him long ago (paragraph 4). Eugene didn't know what to do, he was trapped in his mind, trying to decipher how Alaska might have returned.

"I don't know who you think you are, but let go of me, before I turn you inside out and disassemble your molecules." Said Alaska, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I killed you, I killed you years ago!" exclaimed Abraham. "I do not know who I was before this life, I am aware this body and mind were not originally one entity, however, none of that matters to me. My allegiance and life belongs only to my creator the great Adolf Rizzler. It is at his whim that I manage this prison for his most dangerous enemies." Without another word, the thing standing before Abraham began battering him with its rizz. Trained by Giga-chad himself, Abraham was able to put up a fight... for approximately 1.09 seconds. The attack left him slumped against the wall, bleeding everywhere and missing half his left leg and his right eye. Just before he passed out he heard the thing's voice in his ear: "I am not allowed to kill you, due to your deal with the Fuhrer. However be aware that my power comes from Rizzler himself, if you raise your hand to me, look me in the eyes or show even the slightest sign of trying to escape I will reach through the infinite universe, gather your alternate selves into one consciousness and kill you in infinitely different ways at the same time." Coughing up blood, Abraham managed to choke out: "Is that a..." before the abyss of unconsciousness dragged him into it's soft embrace.

Abraham managed to keep himself conscious through the weird thing I just read and since this story needs an end and most writers have had enough Abraham managed to move and from inside his long coat he pulled out a small package. Atop the package was a bow, it was a present. Abraham began to undo the present as the creature watched confused, Abraham finally managed to open the present with a struggle and the creature had a realisation, shit it's pants and began to run, Abraham looked up, his eyes cold and soulless "Bazinga" he said as he raised the object above his head and slammed it on the floor with a light *tink* sound, everything went white, no sounds, no feelings. Abraham had used a world ending nuke thingamabob, the perfect yet lazy writing tool to end this mess. Abraham went out with a bang, taking everything and anything with him.
The End NERDS.

That was the most anticlimactic ending in the history of fiction. What the fuck happened to Eugene???? 

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