Chapter 3

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Abrahams's instant thought was "dayummmmmm gurl, he's sexy as fuckkkk." as he reached out to Ludwig. As Ludwig got up all Abraham could do was stare, his chiselled abs stared at him and he stared back. Ludwig ran his hand through his hair which flexed his biceps through his tight white t-shirt. His black hair was damp, his gorgeous blue eyes and his chad face stared at Abraham. "Thank you, baby," he said. Even though he was handsome and even though his massive chesticles were staring at Abraham he still smelled like shit which repulsed Abraham greatly. 


The smell snapped Abraham out of his thoughts, the lack of oxygen was causing him to hallucinate. Ludwig was watching him, confused and slightly suspicious of the sudden silence. Abraham coughed awkwardly, trying to think straight despite being gay beyond compare. Within the silence, Ludwig suddenly came to the horrible realisation, 'where was Eugene?'


Meanwhile, in the north tower, Eugene was running as fast as he could up the stairs, desperately trying to reach the top and find a way to stop the building from collapsing. He ran past several children trapped under rubble, crying for their mothers. Eugene looked at them, stopping for a moment to claim "L bozo" before continuing in his mad dash. He finally reached the top of the tower, and then thought "wait, what the fuck am I doing? How the fuck can one dude just stop a building from falling?" and then he remembered... he isn't just a normal dude! He is a wizard capable of shapeshifting, which the authors had all completely forgotten about for some reason. So, he morphed into a gigantic eldritch being capable of altering the very fabric of the universe and used his power to keep the north tower in one piece! He morphed back into a human and sighed happily, just as the sun peeked over the horizon. 'Abraham and Ludwig are safe' he thought, smiling to himself. Then the south tower got hit. "Shit" Eugene proclaimed.


Eugene rushed from the north tower out into the streets as the south tower was getting hit. "Here we go again..." Eugene mumbled to himself as he calmly walked towards it. Bits and pieces of the tower were falling around him as he casually strolled into the south tower to save his two hot sexy loveable awesome cool and awesome soon to be boyfriends from the falling building. Once inside he was greeted by the sound of burning fire and crumbling bricks.


Eugene was inside the burning south tower, debris crumbling around him while the fire in front of him continued to spread. He took one look at the fire and went "Fuck that." and started to walk out. He heard voices from below him, it was his two sexy boyfriends: Abraham and Ludwig.


However, just before Eugene takes the dive to head down, he sees something in the distance. Another plane. Eugene had seen 9/11 on TV before and realising something was off, he has an internal monologue: "Wait a sec, isn't that supposed to head for the north tower?" Usually during the events of 9/11 it's one plane per tower. However, during the events of what's happening RIGHT NOW the north tower has been saved. Are they trying to use the south tower to bring down the north tower? "I guess they didn't want to hit the Pentagon this time."

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