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    Today was the day of my first rodeo. And I was nervous.  Sam who was my boyfriend was standing next to me. "You do you," he said. We had been darting for a year.  He put his arm around me. "Big day," said Tim. (My dad). He walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Is it normal to be this nervous," I asked. Dad stopped hugging . "Your gonna be fine," said Tim. I walked over to the Shute to get ready. Sam wanted to talk to dad. "Your really gonna do it," asked Tim. "Yeah," said Sam. Dad shook his hand. "Good luck," said Tim. He walked over to me. I put the vest and the helmet on. "What did Sam want," I asked. "Don't worry about that," said Tim. I was up next. The announcement went out and I was on the horse. Dad was standing next to me. I had one hand on the rope. I looked at dad and shook my head. I was off. The horse went bucking like no other. I had to stay on for at least 10 secs. I had one hand up in the air and one still on the rope. "Wow 12 secs folks that is first place," said the announcement. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. The horse finally bucked me off. I fell on the ground and got up and ran over to dad. "That was a great run," said Tim. "I can't believe it," I said. "I'm so proud of you," said Tim. He gave me a hug. After wiping the dust off me. The rodeo was over. But something else was going on. The audience was still clapping. I was standing next to dad. Sam walked out to the center of the arena. "What is going on," I said. Dad just smiled. A guy handed him the microphone. He put it up to his mouth. "I'm Sam Smith Alexis boyfriend and I have something to ask her," he said. He looked over at me. He waved me to come over to him. I walked over. "What are you doing," I asked. "Something I wanted to do for a while," he said. He already asked grandpa and dad for my hand. They both said yes. "Alexis Ann Fleming I love you and I will always will," he said. He got done on one knee.  And I started crying. "Oh my god," I said. He pulled out a little black box. "Alexis Ann Fleming will you marry me," he said. The crowd goes nuts. He opened the box and I saw the ring. It was beautiful. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. "Yes," I said. He put the ring on finger. Everyone clapped and cheered. Dad was holding back tears. Sam picked me up and he kissed me. I can't believe it. I a, engaged. He sat me down. "What a perfect day," said Sam.

    Later that night. We were heading over to heartland. I was wearing my new belt buckle I won today. Sam was driving a blue pickup truck. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He had the cutest little dimples. I looked at the ring on my finger. I still can't believe it. "Best day ever," I said. Sam grabbed my hand. "Yes it was," said Sam. We pulled into heartland. He turned the truck off and we got out. Lindy (my niece) came running out. "Aunt Lexi," she said. I picked her up. "Hey kiddo," I said. I put her down. Sam opened the door and we walked in. "Look who is finally here," said Lisa. They all cheered. "Let's see it," said jack. I showed them the ring. "That is beautiful," said Lou. "It is," said Amy. Dad walked into the house. "There she is," said Tim. He was holding flowers. My favorite flowers. "What are these for," I said. Dad handed them to me. "You won your first rodeo," said Tim. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the head. "Thanks dad," I said. My shoulder had been bothering me since I took that fall. But I didn't want to say anything. We all went and ate dinner. It was my favorite. After dinner I was standing on the porch. My shoulder had started to feel worse. Sam was helping with the dishes. I put my hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to bother anyone about it. The door opened and someone walked out. It was Ty. "You ok," he asked I turned around. "Yeah fine," I said. He could tell I was not like myself. "You sure," asked Ty. "I'm fine," I said. But I wasn't. The shoulder pain went shooting down my back. Dad came out. Ty was concerned. Ty went back inside. Dad walked over to me. "You doing ok," asked Tim. "Yeah fine," I said. He knew something was bugging me. He touch my bad shoulder. I winced in pain. "What is it," asked Tim. "My shoulder just hurts," I said. "Is it when you got bucked off," he asked. "Yeah," I said. I went and sat down on the chair on the porch. "When did it start hurting," asked Tim. "Little bit ago," I said. Dad could tellcthat I was hurting. "I think you need a x ray," said Tim. I sighed. "It's fine," I said. Dad looked at me. "Lexi," said tim. "Fine," dad went and got Sam. He walked out of the house. "Come on let's go," said Sam. He took me to the hospital. On the drive there and I looked over at Sam. "I'm sure I'm fine," Sam looked at me. "Lexi why didn't you say anything," asked Sam. "It's nothing,". Sam grabbed my hand. We got to the hospital and got checked in. They did the xray we were waiting for the results. They gave me something for the pain. They even gave me a ice pack for my shoulder. 

    A few hours later. My right arm in a sling. They wrapped my shoulder wrapped in a ace bandage. "This sucks,". Sam looked at me. "It's just dislocated," said Sam. I sighed. "I better call everyone,". We got into the truck. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I called grandpa. I told him. "Well just take it easy," said Jack. "I know I'm just disappointed,". "I know," he said. We got off the phone. Sam took me home. Back at heartland. Jack hung up the phone. "How is Lexi," asked Lou. Amy was sitting next to ty. Dad was still there. "She dislocated her shoulder," said Jack. "Ouch," said Amy. "She is pretty by bummed out," said Jack. "She be good as new in a month," said Tim. We pulled into heartland. Sam shut the truck off. He looked over at me. "It's gonna be ok," said Sam. "I know,". Sam and I got out of the car. We walked into the porch. Sam opened the door. "We're back," I said. They were all standing in the doorway. "How you doing," asked Tim. He walked over and he gave me a gentle hug. He kissed me on the head. "Fine," i said. Sam was a firefighter. He had a shift in the morning. "Im gonna go," said Sam. "Ok have a nice shift," I said. He gave me a kiss.

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