Mr and Mrs Smith

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    The Bahamas was great. We had a great time. We were in the airport waiting to go home. I kept looking at the ring on my finger. We had been gone for almost a month. My arm was healed up and everything was back to normal. Sam was holding my hand as we walked out of the airport. "Welcome home," said Sam. He kisses me. "It's good to be back," i said. We got into our car and hesded home. Dad was already texting to see if i was ready to do training. And i was. Or thought i was. Sam thought it was a bad idea. But he knew how much i loved it. We pulled into our driveway. Everything was cleaned up. We got out of Sams truck. He came to my side and picked me up. "Babe," i said. "I have to carry you right," said Sam. I giggled. We got into the house and went upstairs. 3pm. I was sitting on the porch. Sam was doing some work on the barn. It was almost done. I saw dads truck pulling up. He stopped the truck and walked out. "Welcome back," said Tim. "Thanks dad," i said. He walked onto the porch. "That barn is really coming along," said tim. "Uh huh," i said. He came and sat by me. "Training tomorrow," said Tim. "Yes dad," i said. He smiled. "How is your arm," asked Tim. "Its all healed up," i said. "Good," said tim. Sam finishes the rest of the barn. Sam walked out. He put his tools away and walked back to me. "Its finally done," said Sam. "Great now we can get some horses," i said. He kissed me. "Lets have a look," said Tim. Sam took dad to the barn. I got up and went insise. I was not feeling well. Probably just jet lag. I went into the living room and fall asleep. The nexr morning. The alarm goes off. I got up and was still not feeling well. Sam had already left for work. I was meeting dad early for practice. I got changed and walked down the stairs. I made myself a cup of coffee then packed my bag. Rodeo season was over and dad said since it is over its perfect time to practice. I got into my red pick up truck. I headed to to rodeo grounds. It was now 8 am. I pulled into the rodeo grounds. Dad was already there. I grabbed my bag and headed over to him. "Ready," asked Tim. "Yeah,". We headed over to the  shute. I felt nervous. It has been almost six months since the accident. I put on the gear and was about to get on the horse.. "Take a breath," said Tim. I took a breath. "I got this," i said. I got onto the Bronx. I grabbed my hand on the rope. I put the other hand up. I felt so nervous. I tilted my head and they opened the shute. The horse started bucking.

    I started to feel sick. I felt like i was gonna pass out. That is when i passed out. I fell off the horse an nearly got trampled. I was laying on the ground. I groaned. I was in so much pain. Dad came running over. "Lexi hey whats wrong," asked tim. I looked over to him. "My stomach," i said. He got onto his phone and called 911. Dad took off the helmet and the vest. "Im just gonna take you," said Tim. He picked me up and he rushed me to the hospital. We got to the hospital and i was still in pain. The doctors came out with the gurney. Dad picked me up and carried me onto the stretcher. They rushed me to the er. Dad went and parked the car then called Sam. Dad was now in the waiting room. The doctor walked out.. "Your lexis father," said Jane. He stood up. "Yeah how is she," asked Tim. "Were still running test but it looks like she had a miscarriage," said Jane. "Is she ok," said tim. "You can see her," said Jane. She brought dad back to mty room. I was sitting on the bed. Tears rolling down my eyes. Dad opened the door. I was getting dressed. I looked up at dad. I started sobbing. Dad came over to me. "Oh honey," said Tim. He sat on the bed and he hugged me. "Is sam coming," i asked. "He is on his way," said Tim. He was rubbing my back. "I cant believe it," i said. "Its ok come here," said Tim. He wrapped his arm around me. "It hurts so much," i sais. He was rubbing ny back. Jane came back to me. "So were gonna give you some medicine ok," she said. "Ok," i said. "Im am so sorry for your loss," she said. She handed ne a bunch of paper work. Then she left. "Thanks for being here," i said. Sam called and said he couldn't make it. Dad and i walke out of the hospital. "Lets get you home," said Tim. I got discharged and headed home. Dad was driving me in his truck. I just stared out the window. Dadnwould occasionally check on me. But it was a quiet ride home. Dad pulled into rhe driveway. He got out of the truck and ran over to the passenger side of the truck. He opened the door. "I got you," said Tim. He helped me out of the truck. "Thanks dad," i said. He got me into the house. I was laying in the bed. Dad covered me up. "You need anything," askded Tim. "No," i said. "I come check on you in a little bit," said tim. "Ok," i said. He shut the door. He walked down the stairs and called Jack. The miscarriage wasnt dads fault. It wasnt even mine. But it felt like it was. "Im gonna stay with her until sam gets off," said tim. "Good plan i will tell everyone here," said Jack.

    It has been a couple hours since the hospital trip. Dad walked up the stairs. He walked down the hallway to my room. He could hear me crying. He wished he could take the pain away. He cracked opened the door. "Honey," he said. "Come in," i said. He walked over to the bed. "I wish i could take this away," he said. He sat on the bed. "I know but you being here," i said. We heard the door slam. Then footsteps running up the stairs. I had my phone off. Sam was standing in the doorway. He looked like he been crying. "Oh lexi," he said. Dad got off the bed and hit him on the shoulder. Then left. Sam came over. "Im ok sam," i said. "You sure," asked Sam. He pulled me into a embrace. "Yeah im sure," i saks. He kisses me on the head.

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