Getting acquainted

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Stan,Kyle,Kenny,Cartman,and Butters all heeded Vaggie's warning very carefully,now being alerted very well not to trust Alastor as their eyes widen from how powerful and scary he sounded.

Cartman:Yeah...he definitely sounds like final boss territory. But maybe...

Kyle:Oh,god. What are you thinking about,now?

Cartman:Don't get your jew-fro in a twist,Kahl! What if,we try to persuade him and get on his good side?

Kenny gave Cartman an angry stare as he knew what his fatass friend meant by trying to persuade the Radio Demon.

Kenny:(muffled) You're not going to try to charm him like you did with Cthulu,are you?!

Kenny said,grabbing Cartman by the collar of his shirt,clenching his fist as he threaten to punch Eric for his bigotry.

Cartman:God,Kinney! You will not let that go! Just hear me out. All I'm saying is what if we befriend this "Alastor" dude so he doesn't try to turn us all into dinner?

Kenny then calmed down as he let go of Eric,after hearing him out on his words but still finding it unlikely he wouldn't just cause another rampage,but in Hell.

Vaggie and Angel Dust eyes widened before looking at each other in disbelief as they heard them talk about that time Cartman managed to charm Cthulu and help in causing destruction in South Park.

Angel:Uh...should we be impressed or creeped the fuck out?

Kyle:Probably both just to be safe.


Vaggie:I'll guess that crazy shitlord won't be the only one I'll have to keep tabs on.

Stan:Y'know,that's not exactly a bad idea,Cartman. But he sounds really dangerous...

Vaggie then snorted at the idea that they could soften up Alastor enough that he wouldn't cause any harm in the hotel.

Vaggie:Good luck. I highly doubt you can put Alastor on a leash. He's the one who's known for selling the tricks,not buying them.

Angel: He looks like a strawberry pimp from my point of view,if I'm going to be honest.

Vaggie:Well,I don't trust him!...

Vaggie then looked over at Cartman,who stared right back at Vaggie,looking confused mouthing a "what?" at Charlie's girlfriend.

Vaggie:...and probably your friend.

Vaggie said,obviously referring to Eric Cartman to Stan,Kyle,Kenny,and Butters,who didn't really try to correct her.


Cartman shrugged at Vaggie not being able to trust him,as he couldn't exactly blame the one-eyed demon for not 100% being sure of him.

Angel:To be fair,do you trust anyone around this place? Well,besides Charlie of course?

Vaggie:Well,I definitely don't trust you. Especially after that shitshow you caused today. You kids are ok in my book,though.

Butters:Glad to know we're not on bad terms with you,Miss Vaggie.

Vaggie smiled at Butters generosity and overall kindness,along with the respect he had for those older than him.

Vaggie,concerned for the safety of her girlfriend's project,pulled Charlie to the side as she gently grabbed her by her shoulder.

Vaggie:Charlie,listen to me. You can't believe this creep! He isn't just a happy face! He's a deal maker! Pure evil! He can't be redeemed!...And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we're trying to do! Plus,we have another problem on our hands,we have innocent children in our hotel!...mostly.

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