The Nazi Zombies Enter The Nether

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Sinners infected by the Nazi Zombie Virus began to break into the Hazbin Hotel as they burst through the glass,a horde approaching the children and the Happy Hotel staff.

Sinners:(Speaking in German)

Vaggie:Wait,they're actually real?! I thought you guys were making that up!

Kyle:You thought it didn't happen?

Vaggie:Well...yeah. You're just kids after all.

Kyle:Ok,fair enough.

Wendy:We need to gear up before we become infected next!

And just like that,the children began to pull out their attire they wore during the Stick of Truth,along with wielding their signature weapons to boot (whether it be swords,blades,bow and arrows,clubs,etc)

Charlie:Uh,you sure it's a good idea to fight them directly?

Kenny:(muffled) We've beaten them before. We can do it again.

Vaggie:Me and Charlie we'll evacuate the patients to a nearby exit! Angel,you and the others help the kids!

Angel:What happened to playing nice and behaving? I thought violence was prohibited in the hotel.

Angel said,smugly,causing Vaggie to facepalm in anger as his smartass behavior and remarks.

Vaggie:Fine,you can go all out just this time! Just hurry!

Angel:Yeah,I just wanted to hear you say it.

Vaggie then growled in anger before her and Charlie then went to help and evacuate the patients out of the hotel meanwhile everyone else prepared themselves for the hordes.

Wendy:Prepare yourselves!

Defeat the Horde of Nazi Zombies!

1.Kenny (Princess)
2.Wendy (Shieldmaiden)
3.Angel Dust

While everyone else was handling the Nazi Zombies on the left and right,Kenny,Wendy,Angel Dust and Niffty took upon themselves to handle the ones in the front.

Sinners:(Speaking in German)

The Nazi Zombified Sinners began to attack by slashing at our heroes with their claws,only for Wendy to thrust her shield above her,encircling the four in holographic bubbles,reducing the damage of the attacks as it then disappeared.

Niffty:Swifty Niffty!

Niffty then began to zip at fast speeds with her knife,as she cut two Nazi Sinner Zombies left and right,causing them to bleed out as they took damage.

Angel:Eat lead,you sick fucks!

Angel then pulled his trusty Thompson submachine gun and started unleashing several bullets at the hordes,finishing them off while they were weakened by Niffty.

Angel:Ha! Too easy! I've slept with men that lasted longer in bed than these ugly things!

Sinners:(Speaking in German)

Four more Nazi Sinner Zombies then began to take the place of the other zombies that were destroyed as several more surronded the four.

Angel:Yeesh! I like a good gangbang as much as the next porn star,but that's one too many dicks to suck!

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