Recruit and Regroup

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As Angel was able to bottle up his grief after losing Cherri Bomb to the Nazi Sinner Zombies,he had followed up with everyone who was heading left of the Pride Ring.

Angel:Ok,do we know where we're actually going or are we just walking in circles until we get a hint of what caused this shitstorm of events that took my buddy?

Charlie:We are. But first,we need to make a quick stop before we had to defend ourselves from more of those zombies.

Husk:Is the quick stop in question at a bar? Because I'm gonna need another drink if we're gonna continue fighting those ugly fuckwits.

Husk said,as held up an empty bottle of alcohol he had finished prior to the upcoming apocalypse that was currently happening in the Pride Ring.

Charlie:Actually,Husk,I'm gonna need to be as sober as you can possibly be for this next part of the plan.

Husk:And what exactly do you want me to do,kid?

Husk said flatly,with a bored expression on his face,not feeling up to doing anything other than indulging himself in drinking.

Charlie:I need you to get a good view from above the skies of Pentagram City and tell us if you see anything so that we can put a stop to whoever's doing all this.

Using her magic,Charlie then created and spawned two walkie talkies out of thin air,and gave one of them to Husk.

Husk:Now hold on! Why the hell do I gotta go through all this trouble just to be on lookout duty?

Vaggie:Because you're the only one of us who can fly. Unless,you want to continue fighting another exhausting battle alongside us.

Husk:(sighs) Whatever. I'll keep ya updated,alright?

And like that,the large wings on Husk back then began to spread as he then began to fly and search for the source of who's causing all of this.

Stan:So,where are we going anyways?

Charlie:We're gonna stop at I.M.P's headquarters and ask them for their help.

Angel:Uh,hello? You've got a Turf War veteran at your disposal along with the dandy Deer Daddy of justice himself! What more help can you possibly need? Oh,and uh Vaggie,I guess.

Vaggie:That's...probably the nicest thing you've ever said about me.

Angel:Don't mention it,vagina.

Vaggie then facepalms in annoyance at Angel's antics.

Vaggie:(sighs) Why do we even put up with you?

Charlie:If whoever's causing this has access to resources capable of making Sir Pentious a threat to us,then we're gonna need all the extra hands we can get.

Craig:Well,they do have firearms and killing expierence....

Kyle:Ok,we'll ask for their help but I don't think they're going to willingly say yes automatically.

Meanwhile at the Headquarters of I.M.P...

After taking an elevator up to the eighth floor of the I.M.P's headquarters,Vaggie began knocking on the door,with Blitz,Moxxie,Millie,and Loona all sitting around in the Meeting Room until they heard a knock on the door,causing their eyes to widen as the sound.


Millie:Are they back again?

Blitzo:I have no fucking clue. But if they are,get into positions!

Blitzo pulled out his flintlock pistol from his coat,while Moxxie held his dual pistols,Millie had her Battle Axe,and Loona had her claws out,ready to rip and tear into any enemies that came her path,as she began growling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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