Contacting I.M.P. P.2

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Cartman:An alternate dimension? The fuck is this? The Spider-Verse?

Cartman's confusion was shared amongst the other children of South Park. They knew they were in Hell but they had no idea that their world was completely seperate and that they had dimension traveled altogether instead of just a different plane of their world.

Moxxie:Well,I'm not exactly sure I'm the one who's intelligent enough to explain this to you but...

Angel:Luckily,while you all were talking,I managed to nab this little fishface from the hotel who can explain.

Angel then placed the demon down in front of everyone. His skin was that of a blue-grey tone,with fish-fins on the side of his head,while also wearing a full-length green-grey laboratory suit.

This was Baxter.

Baxter:Can you please refrain from putting your hands on me again? I-I don't really like being touched

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Baxter:Can you please refrain from putting your hands on me again? I-I don't really like being touched...

Stan:Who's this guy? And how come we haven't seen him yet?

Baxter:Well,I guess introductions are needed. Name's Baxter,one of the living world's top scientists. Until I came down here and become...well this.

Angel:Right right,but can you do the thing?

Baxter:Uh,what thing?

Angel:Y'know! The thing! We need an explanation on this "alternate dimension" shit. Can ya do that,please?


Baxter then grabbed a whiteboard before going into full depth as to how the children of South Park were unable to find their own home through the Grimoire.

Baxter:So this is your universe. (Baxter created a dot with a black marker on the white board) For a basis,we'll refer to it as Earth 1997. Since you didn't die like most people when they are sent down here in Hell (Baxter then created a giant circle to indicate hell before making a line to the dot that represent Earth 1997),this created an irregularity,seperating you from Earth 1997 to ending up in this universe altogether and messing up your path from your original home.


Baxter:All of you strayed so far from your original universe,that in doing so,you've made it nearly impossible to create a way back to where you come from. So in Layman's terms,you dimensional traveled a little to far.


Baxter then dragged the whiteboard along with him,before leaving the Headquarters of I.M.P. now finished with his explanation. he gonna like show up whenever we need something difficult to be explained or along with us or...

Angel:Eh,possibly. Maybe.

Blitzo:Riiiight. Anywho,Stolas' Grimoire doesn't open portals across other dimensions so you can all just get the fuck out of here-

Charlie:Wait...(Full Demon) Stolas was in on this?!

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