Chapter 1

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Louis POV

"Harry I bought some-"

I let go of the bag of gummy bears of what I was seeing. Harry was making out with Caroline Flack! Why?! Harry noticed me and let go for a couple of seconds

"Louis umm...yo-"

I awkwardly walked towards the door and started to run, letting the tears run all over my face. My vision got blurry and when I blinked all I saw was Harry and... Caroline. Harry can get anyone he wants. Why her?! She is so much older than him and I mean way older like at least 15 years I think. Why do I have to love him so much when I know he will never love me back! I got to the park and sat on the ground under a tree. I sobbed for a while thinking about Harry and that I will never have him. It hurts when you really love someone and you just know they will never love you back.

"Lou? Are you alright?"

Niall? Sure enough if was him. I kind of hoped it was Harry no offence to Niall. But then again why would Harry come for me when he has Caroline in the apartment. My mind filled with things of what they can be doing. I started crying again.

"Louis stop crying please."

Niall sat next to me and hugged me while I wailed like a baby. His chest got wet from all my tears so I stopped, well I tried to.

"Thanks Ni."

"Anything for you Lou."

He turned to face me and wiped some tears from my cheeks, his hand felt warm against my skin. He looked at my eyes then to my lips. Woah! He leaned closer and started to close his eyes. I found my self doing the same without knowing until we were a few centimetres away.


Both of us jumped and moved away from each other as quickly as possible. Well this is going to be awkward.

"Hi, I'm guessing you guys are fans huh?"

Niall walked to the girls trying to ignore me. What the hell just happened or what was about to happen?!

"Can we get pictures! Please it will mean the world!"

the two girls kept fan girling and we just nodded. I wanted to get this over with and talk with Niall or at least try to. What if these girls didn't interrupt, would have we kissed? I looked at Niall's lips, they looked so soft,kissable and just sexy ho - Louis! Get a hold of your self! Am I really checking Niall out?! My own band mate! This is by far the worst and weirdest day.


The girls yelled in my face taking me away from my thoughts.


I pretended to laugh and waved. I don't mind fans just that they scream WAY too much and loud.


Shit no! Please don't leave us alone! For get that I wanted to talk to him! Come back!Ugh too late. Quick Louis run for it!

"Um Louis, can we uh talk?"

Crap to late to run now, see Louis your too slow!I have to stop arguing with myself!


"Uh yeah about what?"

Stupid Stupid! About what? Ugh. Idiot you know about what! Seriously I have to stop arguing with myself.

"Um about... ya know,what almost happened until those girls came."

"Niall it's fine really. You know I like Harry so it doesn't really make a difference or matter really."

"Oh um right you like Harry"

Niall's voice changed into,jealousy? No,why would he be jealous? Quick change the subject when you can.

"Yeah, so Niall wanna grab some food?"

"Not hungry."

Not Hungry! Not Hungry! Those words don't mix with Niall and should never be said by him either. Niall is always hungry why not now.


"Can we just go home."

He sounded annoyed. Well then. The rest of the walk was silent and really awkward. We finally got home and when we entered Niall went straight to his room. What's wrong with him?

"Mmm Harry"

Please no please not again.

"Fuck Caroline."

He started to moan. I quickly ran to my room and locked it. I threw myself on my bed and again started crying my eyes out. I don't even want to imagine what they were doing since I can already hear it. Why do I have to fucking love you Harry Styles? You don't see me more than a friend and you never will. But I always wish one day you will.

Not much I know but I wasn't sure how to start it. Oh and poor Niall :/. And I also might make Harry well a jerk or whatever so sorry ,btw I'm not hating on Caroline Flack just to get it clear!

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