Chapter 2

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Louis POV

"Louis I love you, I always have I just..."

"Harry, no. Its too late. You had your chance."

"But Louis I LOVE you. Isnt it what you always wanted? Me to love you and finally accept you?"

"Harry I said you had your chance!"

however it didnt matter what I was about to say since he kissed me.

"Louis one more thing-


I rolled over and fell hard onto the ground


"Uh Damn it Louis"

Liam appared and helped me get up.


"Yea whatever just hurry"

"what for?"

"We have to go do a interview then go to rehersal and perform at 6 and 8. I told you"

He did?Oh well I don't remember.

"Oh right yeah um excuse me I have to get ready."

He left and I went through my closet. Hmm lets see. What to wear? oh there we go a red white stripe shirt and some red chinos should do it along with some red Tom's. Why not red?I quickly got dressed and headed down stairs.

"Here eat."

Liam threw the plate across the table that had some toast and butter.But his voice was filled with hatred or anger. What's wrong with him?

"Thanks.Where are the others?"

"They left already."

He was clearly annoyed. I'll ask one of the guys what's wrong with him.

** Backstage about to do interview**

"So... Why are they doing a interview again?!"

I was still lost and had a awful headache.

"Gossip the usual."

Zayn answered although he too had sounded angry. In fact all the boys seem to be quite and ignoring me or at least trying to. Or is it just me?

"What do you guys think of this outfit?"

Harry stood up after a long time fiddling with the shirt and pants.

"Oh I don't know maybe ask Louis who has so much to say about us."


"What don't you remember-"

However Zayn didn't get to finish since they called us to come on stage. When I got up they all shoved me to go first.

"Don't worry about it.Okay?"

Harry put his arm around my neck. How come he is the only one who is being nice?

"But why is everyone else being mean?"



*Screams in the background*

We all went but they changed their attitudes just to not get questioned too much. We greeted the guy and then sat down.

"How are you guys?"

"Eh good" (Liam)

"Aren't you guys going on tour?"

"Uh yeah very soon actually" (Harry)

Oh yeah totally forgot about that.

"Let me just say don't you guys get tired of each other after a while?"

All the boys stared at me as well as the interviewer asked.

"Ask Louis. He has plenty to say about us don't you Lou." (Zayn)

Seriously what the hell?!

"Um I don't know I mean we all grown so close to each other so we gotten use to each other so it isn't much of a big deal."

I heard Liam and Zayn snort a little as I finished. I looked at Harry who was smiling and then at Niall who looked upset but tried to hide it. If you knew him well then it was obvious that he was upset.

*late at the studio*

"Alright Liam your up."

Liam went to the sound booth and started singing his lines.

"Liam your vocals don't sound right."

In other words you can't sing. But Liam can just that we are all tired, we went out last night all though it's all a blur to me. The only thing I remember is Harry handing me a drink.

"You're not the only one that thinks that."

Liam looked straight at my eyes with such hatred.

"Don't worry he's just joking."

Harry grabbed my shoulder while saying this. I stayed looking at Liam and he had the same expression.

"Doubt it."

"Alright Louis you are up."

When I got up Liam hit me with his shoulder in my chest and just kept walking as if it were nothing. He muttered something under his breath that I couldn't hear well. The boys kept ignoring me except for Harry. Now this was getting annoying.

I have to find out what I did to deserve this it just wasn't fair, although I only have 2 minutes to do this before we go on and perform. Well here goes nothing.


Zayn got up and walked a little until he was in front of me.

"First thing, you don't need to yell... So you don't remember you flirting with Harry, like always thinking you'll eventually win him over. And how we came over to help Niall and you said that all of us -"

"Boys your on now. Come hurry."

What Zayn said hurt. Although it was true it still hurt. The truth always does. But that isn't going to stop me from knowing what actually happened well except for interruptions. Speaking of interruptions that was rude! But doesn't matter I have to find out what I did wrong and i was so damn close!

In love with the flirt (One Direction) (Larry BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now