Chapter 17

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Emerald's POV

It's only been a little over six hours since I read that note, and I'm so bored out of my mind. All I've done all day is explore Damon's pack house, and now, hours later, I'm lost. Its so expansive, with hundreds of rooms and dozens of hallways. I was somewhere on the east wing second floor, but I didn't know which way would lead me back to the kitchen.

I continued down the hallway and eventually saw the end of it. I groaned. The door a little ways farther down was open a crack and I could hear the voices from here. I didn't recognize them, but they were very feminine and bubbly.

"Did you hear? That bitchy man-stealer caught her ex-fiancé cheating, so she ran back to Damon, begging him to let her come back. What a weak little slut, you know? I'll bet her ex-fiancé cheated because he knew she was fucking Damon." I came closer, knowing they were gossiping about me.

"Seriously? I heard she only came back because she thought Damon was better in bed." Another voice replied.

A third voice giggled.

"I know something too. She's super weak and like scared of everything. Apparently Damon was trying to take her somewhere in the woods yesterday and she got all scared and like they got in a fight." An annoying, squeaky voice replied.

"How do you know?" On of the others asked.

"Well, I was with him last night. Dame was about to leave his office and like, I had seen their fight from the window, so I took it as my chance to make my final move before that bitch snatches him away." She growled, but my mind was too busy reeling. Dame? Dame?! She has a pet name for him? Why I should just-

"Anyways, I came into his office wearing a thin, see through robe, and Damon didn't even look at me. He was writing something in his sheet. It's like he didn't even notice me. So, of course, I had to like, go over there. I leaned over the desk and tried to get him to notice me, but he growled at me. Growled! Like, I was all mad, but I didn't show it. He just yelled at me to get out! I didn't though, I went closer and straddled him. Damon fucking pushed me off and looked at me with like disgust before ordering me to get out and put some actual clothes on. Like, what the hell? She isn't even as pretty as me, why the hell does she get him to herself?" The girl whined.

"She's, like, a total bitch." Another voice consoled.

"I just want her dead, you know? Then Damon would be single again, and I could have him all to myself," The bitchy one cried.

She didn't even know me and she wanted me dead!

Looks like it's time to meet then.

I walked towards the door and opened it, standing in the doorway. All eyes came to me and each widened simultaneously.

There was one in the middle of the room with fresh tears running down her cheeks. I scoffed at how weak she looked.

"I'm the weak one, when you're crying over someone who isn't even yours. Think about that." I commented with distaste.

"He is mine, bitch. He was always mine. Before he started having sex with you, he was doing it with me all the time." Bitchy shot back, standing up and wiping her cheeks.

"Can I tell you a little secret, hun?"

She raised an eyebrow slightly but nodded once.

"I've never had sex with Damon, yet he stays with me. If he wanted you, he'd already have rejected me. But I'm still here." I smirked when her jaw dropped an inch. She quickly regained composure and closed her mouth.

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