Chapter 25

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Emeralds POV
Two days have passed since Damon has been here and my heat is finally over, thank goddess. Damon and I were currently laying on the couch watching spongebob with Collin, who Alec dropped off this morning, along with Sylvia. She's been hiding from Damon and I ever since.

I haven't left the pack house in a week, not counting the time when I went outside to find Damon, and I was starting to feel a little stir-crazy.

"Hey Damon?" I whispered behind me, where Damon was comfortably laying.

"Mmhm," He whispered behind my ear huskily, sending shivers down my spine.

"Can we go outside? I've been inside most of the week and-"

"No." He replied lowly.

"Why?" I whispered, now turning my head to look at him.

His jaw was clenched and his eyes were black with anger. "Because I can't protect you. It's too much of a danger, especially now that I know what you are."

"Damon, as long as you are here with me, I'm fine." I gave him a smile, trying to persuade him just a little bit more.

"No. You aren't allowed outside until he's dead." Damon replied, finishing the conversation.

"Damon you can't keep me locked up that long, please just let me go outside?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"Until he's dead, you're staying inside." Damon finalized.

I rolled my eyes and got up. Damon was being too protective now, he had crossed the line.

I went over to Collin, who was playing with these plastic dinosaurs on he floor in front of the couch. Crouching down next to him, I said, "Hey bud. Wannna go to my room where we can watch this on a bed instead of on the floor?"

I heard Damon growl quietly as he heard what I said but I ignored it.

"Weally? Can we have coooooookies too!" He said excitedly, bouncing up and down on the floor.

"You bet." I smiled at him and he jumped up, completely forgetting about his dinosaur toys.

Collin and I walked into the kitchen, got a plate of cookies that we made earlier this morning, and went upstairs. When I opened the door to Damon and I's bedroom, Damon was already in there, standing next to the window.

Oh, I see, you follow us in here so you can brood. Real mature Damon. I mind linked him, annoyed.

Damon turned around and raised an eyebrow, as if daring me to insult him one more time.

Why don't you go outside and make me stay in here some more? You sure like to keep the world away from me, I almost hissed.

Damon's eyes turned darker, his blue grey eyes swirling with black, and he faked a smile.

"Emerald dear, why don't we have a word out in the hallway," He said with a scowl, clearly wanting to get away from the child sitting in the middle of our bed watching sponge bob again. I swear, all that kid watches is SpongeBob.

"Of course, love." I replied, mocking Damon by using the term of endearment he usually used with me. I swear I saw his eye twitch. If this were any normal day and Damon and I weren't pissed off at each other, I would've laughed at his eye twitch.

I walked out in the hallway with Damon following closely behind me. Once we were both in the hallway with the door closed behind us, Damon surprised me by placing his hands on either side of my waist and pinning me to the wall.

"Damon, not now." I hissed at him, quiet as to not disturb Collin.

He smirked and laughed. "Don't tell me what to do Emerald. You're my mate and I can do what I wish with you, especially since we've had little contact in the past week," He whispered angrily.

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