Chapter 26

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Emeralds POV
I had one day left until I had to join Damon's pack, and I was already feeling anxiety. Questions rushed through my head, and with each one the nervousness grew. What if his pack didn't want me joining theirs? What if they didn't like me? What if Damon secretly didn't want me joining his pack?

"Emerald? Emerald!" Valery shouted from in front of me. I snapped out of my trance and plastered a very fake smile.

"What? I was reading." I lied, motioning the book on my lap when I realized too late that it had fallen to the floor.

"Yea sure, that's why it's on the floor." Valery muttered, rolling her eyes.

"I was reading until you decided to yell," I huffed.

"I was yelling because the book was on the floor an you were zoning out." She informed.

I sighed and picked up my book, pretending to read again. I just couldn't get my mind off of the fact that Damon's pack might hate me and not accept me.

"Emerald, how about you stop stressing and we go for a walk?" Valery suggested. I blurted out one loud "Ha!" before going back to my book.

"What was that?" Valery asked, looking at me weirdly.

"You think I'd be allowed to leave the house?" I asked with a duh expression. "He barely lets me go downstairs."

"He doesn't have to know," Valery said with a smirk.

I thought about it for a second. I wanted to go outside more than anything right now, but is it worth the hell Damon would make us pay for it if he found out?

I grinned. "Lets go." Valery grinned back and we made our way to the library doors. I opened it and stepped out, automatically stopping when Damon appeared right in front of me.

"No." He said, and I knew there was no changing that answer.

I sighed and went back to my chair, accepting defeat, but Valery wouldn't have it.

"Damon you can't keep her here locked up forever. If Oliver ever did this to me, I'm sure I would've stayed un-mated forever. I don't blame Emerald," Valery replied.

I froze in my seat, filling with fear. She doesn't realize how on edge Damon is about us mating. There's not a single night that has gone by in the past few weeks that doesn't include him telling me how much he needs to mate with me, how much his wolf needs it.

I looked over at where Valery and Damon were. Damon's fangs had protruded and were now full length, and his eyes were slowly turning black. He had stepped in to the room and Valery was now farther away from it. I visibly gulped and then shook my head. I can't keep being a coward if I'm going to be Luna of Damon's pack, if I decide to take the position.

I stood up, plastered a fake smile on my face, and walked over to where Valery and Damon stood.

I placed a hand on Valery's shoulder. "Can I talk to Damon in private?" I asked quietly. She looked guilty, and she must've realized Damon's need for me to be mated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," She stuttered.

"I know." I replied, giving her a gentle nudge to exit the room. She did quickly, glancing back with a concerned face. She closed the door behind her.

Damon stood there, looking extremely angry.

He took a step closer and I felt a shiver run through my spine. Damon opened his mouth, ready to stay something, but I put a hand up.

"I would've- I didn't-" I sighed again. "I understand why you're doing this all, I really do, but it's just not fair Damon. You can't keep me cooped up in here, no matter how much safer I am."

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