FoxField Duo

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this is a mix of the prison life series X zombie apocalypse cause why not, i love makeing my fav suffer/ hj 

there will be swearing, violence. 


Its been a few days in the prison, they hate it. Its cold, the foods god awful, and no entertainment! Hell, they shouldn't be here anyways! They were framed. not like the police believed them anyways.

LL was sick of it, but at least he has TT with him.

TT seemed ok..? to say the least, he wasn't very verbal with with complaints unlike LL was.

they needed a plan, and quick. they were not gonna rot here! no way!

a loud bang echoed, its lunch time!

TT: god! finally! i can move around, im too young for this.

LL: you're right T, its only been a few days and this sucks more than i thought it would!

TT: mhm, we need to get out of here, i am not cut out for being a prisoner! im far too handsome for this place.

LL: right... handsome, thats one way to put it.

TT: mmm... maybe we should escape...

LL: what

TT. yeah! we should leave, put we need a plan first.

LL: what about a connection from someone outside this place...

TT: like who, you know how busy the others are, it not like they'll answer, we have to do this our selves ...

TT sounded sad when he said that, LL knows thats true, the others have far more busy lives than they do. Ropo and Jack being heros, Kelly being a princess with an awful  mother. ugh, to many friends to know what they are all doing. Him and T tend to be left out of things, but thats fine! They both understand, and hold no grudges. They knew eachother waaaay before they met the others, basically brothers at this point!

Tiny turtle was a cool guy, looks mean but such a fun person to be around! he was smart, funny, and had a lot of confidence in himself.

Little Lizard was a creative guy, does things in a whim. makes jokes, but takes things seriously when need, and they both need that guy right now. think think think!! Oh this might work. 

LL: hm, ya think theres a guards closest?

TT: there should be, why?

LL: ya know, to umm...

LL looked around, they were in the cafeteria, the guards could be listening! Damn it.

LL: hey! how about we go back to our cells, ya look tired!

TT: wha..? i do?

LL: *hushed* just follow my lead!

TT: oh! um ok, i sure am beat after such a fine meal!

LL: yeah..! lets go back.

they walked to their cell, it was cramped, tt hated that. he likes his space! LL didn't mind, at least he wasn't with some rando.

TT: alright, what did you want to tell me?

LL: well... i might have an idea to get us of here-

TT: wait really!!

LL: hey shut up!!

TT: hehe sorry... got a bit excited there.

LL: i get dude, but i will be honest, there might holes in this plan. we might have to fill these in over time while we execute the plan, is that alright?

TT nodded, he will help in anyway he can, but he really cant think straight at this time, his adhd was kicking hard without his meds. but he will try for his bro- i mean best friend.

LL: alrighty, well first things first, we need to understand the layout of this place, so either we get a map or we just walk a couple laps around this place.

TT: uhh wouldnt walking make us look less suspicious? not tryna doubt you or nothin but we cant just find a map laying around.

LL: ok yeah that map part might be a bit far fetched- BUT if we knew our way around we will be just fine, but their is one thing we will need.

TT: and that is?

LL: um i do not know yet!

TT: ah great, there is a fuckton of holes in your plan.

LL: hey! watch ya mouth their, and yes there is.

TT: welp we got nowhere with this conversation, so imma go sleep.

LL: wha.! nowhere?!?

TT: night!

LL sighed, he will get them outta here, no matter the cost! but for now, he will just sleep it off.

TADA!!! whatcha think, i think its pretty good for my first time! some advice would be great if ya got any! thanks for reading!

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