first headcanons ?!

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TT and co headcannons lmao.

TT is huge like, massive. about 7 ft. he's a mutant, what did you expect?

Scott adore tormenting the others, especially ropo. he never gets caught, cause ryan doesn't believe the others. he favors scott because he's like his brother. and scott doesn't bother him.

for a turtle, he is very good looking! he has pretty privilege and abuses it HEAVILY.

arsonist... i don't know why he just is.

he has favorites and it's scuba and ryan, he will literally kill someone for them, or no reason.

scott has scars and that makes him even more menacing, even though he's one of the kindest people you'll ever meet.

will still bite your head off tho

he is soo dense, like unbelievably so. you could him that you are love with him and he would still be confused. it's adorable.

he will and can kill you, turtles have an amazing bite force ya know. but he doesn't use it often, only for open cans or smth dumb like that.

tt can't product heat very well, cause he's cold blooded, so in the winter he just sleeps and eats. soup is a great meal during this time of year!

him and kelly hang out every so often, he still confused about her home life. one day she's safe at home, the next she has an evil twin?! she's nice to him tho so that's ok

targets ropo like a heat seeking missile

makes ropo cry weekly (he has a schedule)

he has sharp teeth like fangs and canines

he's very smart yet very stupid

he's buff for some reason, perks of being a mutant i guess.

you do not want to get in a shouting match with with fucker, he WILL win.

touch starved baby man, but if ya touch him he will rip your arm off.

he has social anxiety and a very short social battery (he's just like me fr)

2nd best gaslighter (ryan being the first)

i can't think of anymore at the moment, but is ya for more then leave down in the comments!! Idk where most of these came from tbh, they just did. hes a little guy. 

have a good day/night !!

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