When Ashes Meet The Forest

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ima do a quick summary of this au!!! basically ropo is part of the fire nation (backstory is still being worked on) and basically TT saves him from an arrow and now his loyal soldier who will die for him. TT is very much confused

         "God, why is there a Fire Nation camp so close to my campsite..." Scott thought to himself, can't he have a break. He deserves it after all hes been through, slaying dragons, saving nations. Saving, saving, saving, is that all hes good for?! at this point, he is. nothing more than a weapon, he thinks. The enemy camp looked small, and by the looks if it... only a few people. Hell, if they're even real, they could be clones for all he cares. huh. one of em looks... miserable? he looked like a real person, that's a first. Gods, who knew being semi green would be so useful when is comes to hiding! he was hiding in the small patch forest near the camp, it was very pretty. Ya know, it might be even better if he wasn't a MASSIVE TURLTE! ...ok, ok, calm down. He was closer the the camp, now he could see more of the guy, he looked tired. he was also skinny... have they not been feeding him? it seemed like he had the night watch, ..for all the shifts.

        " why is he staying, do the Fire Nation have something of importance to him? or was he kidnapped?!" ok, in his defense and experience, that happens a lot with people in this world. Oh! did i tell you about my fantastic luck? yeah, no. As Scott walked closer, he stepped in a twig. "I THOUGHT THAT ONLY HAPPENS IN MOVIES?!" he shouted in his mind. The man who was sitting peacefully was now on high alert, goddamn it, you stupid reptile. The rest of the camp was now awake, were they even asleep? The weird guy turned to him, wide eyed. uh oh. they both stared at each other, they were both curious of each other. this went on for a little while, before scott was rained on by arrows, most bounced off his thick scales and tough shell. Some pierced his skin, ow. the guy he had a staring contest with seemed surprised too. weird, i thought he knew i'm an enemy of the fire nation!

     He saw the man coming towards him, dogging arrows. oh, he's still being shoot at by the way. The man was was in his range, and... stuck out his hand? what. is this guy insane? Then, an arrow was flying towards the guy, hmmm he should give him a name, or ask. Scott, quick on his feet pushed the rouge out of harms way. rouge... i like it. The arrow went through is shell, that's not good. "ACK" scott hit the ground, hard. The rouge was speechless, no one has every taken a hit for him! Scott was sick of this, he's gonna to kill then now. Scott then stood up, and ran at full force towards the fuckers that were shooting at him. He's build like a tank, not even dragons could take him down for long. He swung his sword and cut two soldiers in half like they were air. Rouge stood back, good. he's not stupid like the others. It only took a couple of minutes to get rid of the whole camp, easier due to it being a smaller camp.

       After that, Scott started to pull out arrows from him. He had a good few stuck in him, he pulled them out like they were nothing. thank the gods for a high pain tolerance. There was one stuck on his back, the one place he can't reach. "ah, just my luck..." he said out loud. He struggled for a bit, then he heard someone walking towards him. "Oi, whos there?!" "it's just me." huh. who? oh! the little rouge, how did he forget? "oh! yeah, you. um sorry? i kinda forgot about you, hehe" scott was a bit embarrassed, gods was he watching the whole time? "it's fine, do you need some assistance?" huh. that would be useful. "um, ok then. but if you try anything..." scott growled "oh no! i wouldn't even try! you basically saved me." "oh yeah, i did, didn't i?" "yes, you did! i basically owe you my life!"


"yep, consider me a friend now!"

"hey wait a minute-"

"what do i call you..? hm maybe sire! or do you prefer my lord?"

Scott was so confused, is the rouge now his, servant? friend? ok ok, breathe. Let's start with some questions.

"um wait hold your thoughts for a moment, please?" The turtle was going to be as nice as they can.

"oh! yes, sorry my lord.." Ok, he has to get used to that now.

        "ok um, hold off with that title please.. just for a little, ok? are you able to do that?" "of course i can!... um. what do i call you then? if you don't mind me asking." How could Scott forget to introduce himself! Oh! let's start with that! "Haha! it seems we don't know each others name huh? Well then, let's start formally, eh?" scott say the rouge nod his head. good. " Ok then, well the names Scott! leader of the Myth Nation and a Proud member of the Dragon Council! what's your name?" Scott stuck out his hand, waiting for a handshake. The rouge looked like a confused child, this idiot- no no calm down. i don't this guy's life. "um you can tell a bit about yourself now." scott said gently. "oh! right, my apologies!" "All is forgiven." the rouge smiled softly at that, it was a nice smile. he liked it. "My name is Ronan, but you can me Ropo, if you like! i was a fire nation soldier and messenger, now i will follow you." interesting. "nice to meet you too, Ronan." They shook hands, Ronan was really warm.. i like that. big hands, with claws.. Ronan thought, he was also quite cold. that can't be healthy. Scott was enjoying the heat, then he felt a pain on his back. The arrow was still in his back. great. Ryan and Scuba are gonna kill me. "Um scott? your awfully cold, are you alright?" "huh, oh! yes i am perfectly fine, it's just that i am a reptile, and i am still bleeding." "oh, right. we should fix you up then?" "that would be great, thanks" ronan went to get some supplies, while scott lattes on his stomach, gods his back hurt. " i brought some food for you sir." "hmm? oh? why thank you Ronan!" Ronan beamed, he'd do anything to keep this turtle safe, even though he can defend himself just fine. he's still try. "You should have some." that brought Ronan back to realize. " you sure? i mean there's not a lot.." "you look way to thin, and he have to move out soon. can't have you lagging behind now, can we?"

        Ronan was taken back. "oh yes i suppose that is true, you're very smart ya know!" "i know i am, now could you please help me with the arrow?" "ah! of course, this will hurt, my lord." "i'm well aware-ACKK-" Scott was cut off with a sudden pain. "gahhh DANM, a little warning left time please?" "oh, sorry, sir" "no no it's ok, your just doing what your told. i should given you a bit more instruction." Ronan was surprised with the apology, why is he apologizing? "why are apologizing for my mistake sir?" "well... I... um. huh why did i?" Ronan looked at leader, he seemed lost in thought, trying to think of a reason on why. So, Ronan took the chance to patch up this new leader? friend? whatever the turtle decides.


Ryan: scott who's that

Scuba: hi scott-! wha who's that?

Scott: um, i got you guys some food...


Ronan: are they your followers my lord?

Scott, confidently: indeed they are, my dear friend! good eye!

Ronan: ah! thank you sir ! is there anything else i can do..

scott and ronan talking in the background

Ryan and Scuba: what. is. happening.

AHHH i got a head of myself with this omg. it's the first one shot, or who knows? another story??? it's a concept that Muncher made, it was a brilliant random ass thought. i might make some headcannons about this au! sorry if this is hard to read, still figuring out my writing style. hope you like this so far!!! 

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