Under The Hawks Eye

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part two! might start the headcanons soon, but i am really having fun writing this, and i think im getting the hang of it! enjoy! This one is a lot longer then the last one! special treat from me!


The next day started pretty good for the duo, they woke up earlier, and had shower for what felt like an eternity, and had a filling breakfast! TT wondered off to the prison library to check out something, LL was back the cell, waiting for his friend to return.

TT arrived a couple minutes later.

TT: im back! ya miss me?

LL: took you long enough, anyways, what ya got there?

TT: oh! um its a... uh. a fantasy book! with dragons and magic, ya get the gist of it.

LL: oooohhh sounds awesome, can i take a look?

TT: NO! no sorry for the outburst, i just wanna read myself , i can tell ya whats happening if you want!

LL: um... yeah you can do that!

TT: hehe sorry again, i just... like my privacy ya know?

LL: its ok! i get, we are not in the best situation right now, you're probably a bit stressed. no hard feelings here!

TT: haha! thanks again... god its so boring here! Hey, how about we go walk around, i need to stretch my legs.

LL: course buddy! might be good for ya, cause you got a shell and stuff!

TT: em, yes thats why...

The walk itself was quiet, but it felt great to be outside without guards watching your every move.

LL: hey! this could be our chance to get a feel for the prison layout! for yaknow...escape?

TT: oh yeah, i kinda forgot about that, heh.

LL: how could you forget?!

TT: slipped my mind dude, oh look hey, its the medbay!

The medbay was a small white building, no onw seemed to be hurt, no it was empty.

LL: cool, but what help could this be?

TT: em.. supplies i would guess.

A loud bell rang, its time to go back.

TT: ah, well we can see more tomorrow then. Race ya back!

LL: hey! you got a headstart!

When they made it back most of the prisoners were back in their cells. The green duo were tuckered out, the medbay was a lot farther out than they thought. Tiny turtle was getting ready to sleep, while little lizard was thinking of a way out. He needed a safe yet quick way out.

TT: if ya think any harder you might explode.

LL: huh? oh right sorry. im just thinking about a way out of here that wont get us hurt.

TT: Lizard plan takes time, and we have 15 years to plan, so please dont stress yourself out with this. Like a common saying says, 'two heads are better than one' ! hehe!

Little lizard smiled at the sound of friend laughing, it was something he hasn't heard since they were at the coffee shop. God, he wanting to leave badly, he wanted to see his friends. To eat good food, play om a consule, just something that doesn't involve being miserable.

LL: sooo, you going to sleep soon?

TT: eh might as well, its light out soon anyways.

LL: true, true. mmmmm so boring though....

TT: yeah, yeah whatever ima sleep, night L

LL: night T.

The night was long and cold, not very comforting. Tiny Turtle was out like a light, weird considering turtles typically live in more tropical conditions. You'd think he would be struggling to sleep. Little Lizard was not having a fun time, he couldn't sleep. he was too busy thinking about a way out, maybe he should wait for T in the morning. After an hour, he finally fell asleep.

The morning came soon after, it was an ok start. Little lizard slept in, Tiny Turtle went to get breakfast for them.

TT: oh, still asleep, i will wait two more minutes for him.

TT: nah, ima wake him up now-

he then proceeds to slap hi

TT: WAKE UP! lazy ass...

LL: AH! wha.. why would you do that?!

TT: you took to long, and hey, at least i got ya food. almost didn't too.

LL: well thanks i guess. what is it.

TT: oatmeal and berries, kinda bland. oh! and orange juice.

LL: this feels like school all over again, but thanks anyway.

TT: ima read by book now, so leave me alone. you can do that right?

LL: can't promise anything

TT: ill take it

They stayed in their cell for a couple hours, it boring, Little lizard was just trying to listen in to a conversation, something about them growing antsy and wanting to start something. Yeah, no not his problem. he then looked up Tiny turtle, seemed very into whatever was happening in his book, now he was curious.

LL: sooo... whats the book about..?

TT: i thought i told you already?

LL: ehh, well you know my memory!

TT: ok then, well... oh! how about i get us a snack, if possible of course.

LL: sure dude! i'll wait here.

TT: ok then, no promises though.

LL: just go get the stuff.

The moment that Tiny Turtle, his curiosity started spiking. Maybe he will read a few pages, just to get a taste of the book! And with that thought in mind, he slowly walked up while looking out of the cell so see when Tiny turtle would come back from. Then he opened the book and started to read, hmm wait. The book at almost nothing to die with wizards and dragons, hell not even paragraphs! It looked like... an escape route!

How could he not tell him this!

TT: yooooo i'm back! yeah you should the mess in there!

LL: so when are you going to tell me about this book, eh?

TT: huh? oh yeah! wait a minute, you sound mad.

LL: no no no! not at all.

TT: you looked huh.


TT: umm potentially soon, but i guess i can tell ya now, so basically the prison it built weirdly, due to it being on a small island. So they have a system built like hallways, so the plan was to get a shank or something similar to break the wall behind the cabinets. Once we break through, we put it in to high gear and run for it! I'm still working on it.

LL: huh that's actually... pretty good..! but um what about our clothes? we'd be easily seen as prisoners!

TT: yeah..... still working on that. you got any ideas?

LL: ummm... oh! wait! what if we get our hands on some guards uniforms!

TT: wait yeah! that would work 100%!!

LL: we should start the plan tomorrow then, i'm tired!

TT: alright then, night Little Lizard!

LL: night Tiny Turtle!

Ahhhhhh this took a lot longer to get out than i thought! sorry about that, i have school so that might slow things down. i think this one this longer than the last chapter! yay some adivice and input is always welcomed! Have a great day/night!

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