chapter 6

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3rd person, Virgil's POV

Patton had decided from the moment that they all found out Virgil was pregnant that they all should spend time with Virgil. So that's how Virgil found himself once a week having bonding time with the other sides. On Mondays, he spends the day baking with Patton. On Wednesday day,he spends the day with Logan. Sometimes they read. Sometimes they talk about the stairs. But it changed a lot. Then on Friday he and Roman spent the day watching Disney movies while Roman gave Virgil massages. Virgil would never admit it if you asked him, but Virgil liked spending time with all of them.

Anyway Virgil is now 15 weeks pregnant (roughly 4 months) which meant he was just starting his 2nd trimester. At the moment, Virgil's pregnancy symptoms included heartburn, Nosebleeds,  Swollen gums,  Running out of breath (but he was used to that) and increased sex drive. Virgil hated that. HE'S A SEX REPULSED ASEXUAL FOR FUCKS SAKE. But this was making him honey all the time. He hated it and hated being pregnant but there was nothing he could do about it because the thought of having sex made him want to throw up. Another thing that's happened is that Virgil’s chest has been growing, Logan said it's because they are filling with milk for the baby but that didn't help Virgil at all. Breast growing meant Virgil’s dysphoria was getting worse. They were already too big for him and hardly any hoodies were baggy on him because his stomach had gotten too big for them so he couldn't hide his chest.  It was all too much.

Anyway on the subject of Virgil’s stomach, Logan said it was too big for how long in the pregnancy he was meant to be. No shit sherlock. He was only just meant to start showing. Logan said he wanted to check something and have everyone meet him in the medical room at 1 so that was where Virgil was heading as it was 12:45.

When Virgil arrived, the other light sides were there. Also by the medical bed was this wired machine that looked like a TV with an octopus arm. "I think it's an ultrasound, '' Virgil thought to himself before sitting down on the bed. "I had the twins create an ultrasound so we can have a look at the baby. To make sure you are 15 weeks along or to check if the curse makes the pregnancy go faster than normal" Logan instructed "so will you lay down on the bed and lift your shirt over your stomach" Virgil takes a deep breath before doing as instructed. He shivers as the cold gel goes over his stomach. Patton holds his hand, smiling as Logan rubs the octopus arm over his stomach.

He watches as Logan fights a gasp.

He watches as he calls Roman over to look at the screen.

He watches as Roman faints.

Panic sets in.

  "What's happening? Is something wrong? Am I further along than we thought? What's happening" Virgil spits out in panic. Patton squeezes his hand as they watch Logan turn the screen around "you are 15 weeks pregnant, Virgil. However you are pregnant with triplets. Congratulations. I'll update your list of things that need to happen'' Virgil's world stops. 3 babies. He is having 3 babies. He was going to have to give birth to 3 babies. Virgil must have passed out because he can't remember anything after that.

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