chapter 9

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3rd person, Virgil’s POV

Virgil is now 29 weeks pregnant (7 months) and because triplets are often born early, everyone was rushing to get everything done that needed to be done before the barbies were born, like the nursery. It doesn't help with their stress that Virgil had been spotting and been in pain all over. Well everyone was stressed about getting things ready for the babies but Virgil. No, Virgil for the last three weeks has been planning a date day for him, Patton, Logan and Roman. He may not be the romantic side but he wanted his boyfriends to have an amazing day before they all became stressed with the babies.

So that's what was happening today. He had dragged Roman, Patton and Logan away from the nursery and into the imagination.  "What are you doing Virgil?" Logan asks adjusting his glasses. "I-i thought we could spend some time together before the babies were here" Virgil says looking at them. "There isn't time. The nurs-" Roman quickly cuts Logan off "I think that's wonderful, my love. What have you got planned" Virgil smiles and says "first we are going on a romantic walk through the flower garden, then we are going to have a picnic next to a dog park before going stargazing on the hill" Patton hugs Virgil "that sounds amazing. Let's go!" Virgil nods slightly before grabbing pattons and Roman's hands (knowing Logan doesn't like his hand being held).

The flower garden was filled with flowers of different colours and types. It was beautiful. Roman went to every flower and sniffed them. Logan made notes on the different types of flowers while Patton was picking flowers to decorate the kitchen. Virgil was wobbling behind them. If you asked him what he was doing, he would just say he was watching his amazing boyfriends. But the truth is. He wasn't feeling so great. He felt off. He couldn't describe the feelings but he knew it was wrong. But he didn't want to ruin the day. Suddenly everything went black.

When the light reappeared, Virgil wasn't in the flower garden. He was in his bedroom on his bed. Patton was cuddling him. Logan seemed to be doing an ultrasound and checking his blood pressure and doing a blood test. Roman was clearly panicking about everything and trying not to scream at everyone to find what was wrong. Virgil pretended to be asleep so he could hear everything.

"What's wrong with him, Logan"

"He's blood pressure is too high"

"Oh no, are the babies OK?"

"Yes, the babies seem to be fine. But to make sure Virgil and the babies stay fine, Virgil will be on bedrest until the triplets are born. Roman please can you make him a wheelchair so he can still get around on his own?"

"I have to do what?"

Virgil shouts as he sits up. "Virgil you're awake!" Patton hugs him quickly but Virgil doesn't hug back because he was angry about being put on bed rest. "Virgil, you have to stay off your feet. If you don't you could die" Virgil sighs and nods slightly.   "Now Virgil please tell us why you didn't tell us you weren't OK?" Patton said, staring into Virgil's eyes. Virgil looks down "I didn't want to ruin the date". Roman makes him look into his eyes. "Your health is more important than date night ok?". Virgil nods "Now promise us you'll stay off your feet?"

"I promise"

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